Upgraded to Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement?

Has any Goldfinger v2 owner upgraded to the new Goldfinger Statement MC? If so, what is your impression?
The GoldFinger v2 is one of the most balanced sounding MC carts, not at all on the cold side. You need to have a well matching arm but within a FR66s on one of the big Micros one should figure out what wonderful jewel he has (not) in his hands...

best & fun only
Dear Syntax, In your first post, you may have mistyped the word "Goldfinger", and it came out "Coldfinger". Given your penchant for subtle irony, the next poster naturally thought you were making a deliberate and clever descriptive pun. I don't blame him; I did too. Or were you in fact?

The "less expensive" Clearaudio cartridges, right up to the Insider Wood, certainly do sound at least on the cold side of neutral, to me. But my single impression would also be system-dependent. Was in a Walker Proscenium with Walker phono stage driving von Schweikert behemoth speakers via I don't recall what tube amplifier.