Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
I think it all depends on what the manufacure/designer is trying to extract from the grooves (no punn intended)

I've listened to a lot of tables, some that cost more than my entire system times 3 and I kept going back to Rega for the "soul" I felt from the music, Clearaudio was also a great toe tapper! Keep in mind system synergy, room and location have a HUGE effect on the TT of choice, but as far as a signature sound, most tables have one.

There must be a ton of consumers that really appreciate a very anaylitical sound, and that is great, but I love music and wanted a table that I can through on Cat Stevens, Ray Lamontagne, or Schuburt and enjoy all three with my soul smiling. The Rega P5 nails it everytime (plus TTPSU for the record)

Just my 2 cents.
terms like soul or musicality are so vague that they mean almost nothing to me. all i know is i'd rather listen to music via my SME than other turntables i've owned: LP12 for 21 years, rega p3/24 in a second system for 3 years.
The problem with metaphors is that anyone is free or allowed to have his own reading or interpretation. This way we may surpass the MM thread...

A starting point would be outlining the characteristics of the sound hat leads to a feeling of soul.
Yes, the term "Soul" may be vague, but I know it when I hear it. My ARXA has soul in spades. My Well Tempered has soul. I think both my Thorens TD 166 Mk 11 and Space Deck lack a bit of soul in comparison. My Sota had no Soul whatsoever. I remember some audio reviewer asking if a particular big buck major turntable could "boogie" because "many of them cannot". This I think is similar to the Soul issue. I'm sitting here trying, but I just can't actually define "Soul" I think speakers also can have or have not "Soul" Perhaps because they too are "acoustic" instruments rather than electronics. Like a fine violin or cello, this comes from a mechanical/acoustical sound created by the materials of their own composition. Even the varnish on the wood can affect the sound, as well as the Soul.