Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Marakanetz, you better move to the Netherlands, what keeps you?
Thuchan, I knew that in your heart you prefer Continuum to other tables. There is something special in what those mates down under do and make.
Tibet should be protected at all costs, if it's gone we will be gone too.
"and I thought I am not left alone with my language problem"

I can appreciate your language problems. When I first arrived in Germany, I thought the German word for 'good morning' or 'good day' was AUSLANDER RAUS! Because every time I said good morning or Morgen they always replied with Auslander Raus! Of course it could have been that hard to understand barvarian language.
At the ancient game about the enslavement of a people, two of the most critical achievements was the European Union & NATO.
Or the expression "peacemaker" has any live bounce ?
I would put a doubt on what is served for our protection.
All we need is love not surveillance. Culture (PAIDEIA) instead of enforcement. The sterile education is culpable for our abjection as human existence as it can only serves the money and it's vulgar projects. I doubt if a hippie can survive in Netherlands.
Geoch, There are tons of hippies there especially in Netherlands. The music common in Netherlands is a hippie music blends of pshychodelic rock, fusion and jazz-rock. It's a common misconception that hippie is uneducated and Mary-Joanna is heavier than alcohol.
My problem is not about the hippy way. My concern is about the speed of life, the selfish and closed in a golden cage way of life. I thought that a hippy needs to live on a direct contact with nature instead of to constitute another cog of the machine. The development of violent atomicity in cities is a dangerously INAPPROPRIATE environment for a hippy to grow any kind of freedom in his/her heart. The danger is to become a benefited wicked yuppie full of facilities behind the mask, without realising the growing distance from the true values that the spirit needs. The provided by schools scientific education does not help to the desired direction. Ιt takes more soul, faith and kindness for the transmission of giving mercy. Freedom of expression is just window displays. Who gives a shit about weed. This is not the only way to open your mind.