Analog turner with strong reception

Fellow 'goners, I need your help.

I am looking for a good sounding turner with the best possible reception without outdoor attenna.

Where I live has nasty RFI and precludes the possibility of having outdoor attenna.

I am mainly interested in a local college Jazz station which doesn't have very strong signal, but I am able to listen to it in the car without problem.

My experience with turners is limited. I'd tried a Mac MR78 years ago without success.

I'd like to limit the budget to $1k, preferrably used.
Maybe you need to find anther spot for your antenna. If a car radio picks it up, any halfway good tuner should. There must be a dead spot there. Just like when your in the car and stop at a traffic light, you lose the station. A few feet forward, and it comes right back in. This sight may help with analog tuners, and info about specs. []
A portable radio may help you find a spot for your indoor antenna also. A few feet can make a huge difference.
I own the SONY, as well as as a Marantz 10B, Scott 350B, and a Day Sequerra M4. Only the Day Sequerra comes close to the SONY. Find one used, and send it to Mike at Radio X Tuners, for the full mod. You'll have great reception, and great sound.
Show me a tuner with excellent signal strength and I will show you a well positioned antenna.
I'd also throw the Magnum Dynalab products in the mix. My ancient FT-101/Signal Sleuth combo kicks out the jams, using just the Magnum indoor antenna, the ribbon deal.