Proper tracking force for the AT 150 MLX

The Recommended tracking force is .75-1.75, and I was wondering if this sounds accurate. I know with the Denon 110 I had previously it seemed the general consensus was that it should track .50 above the recommended force at 2.50. I usually have my 150 set around 1, and it sounds great, but I seem to have issues with records skipping unlike before. It this due to the lower tracking force?
Most likely that's the issue.

I like the following method: start at 1.5g or whatever and go down until tracking issues commence, then raise by a hair. Go slowly. Or, alternatively, since now you like it at 1gr, start there and increase tracking force just until tracking issues cease.

You need a proper scale to do this right and have it be repeatable.
Dear Jmoog08: Normaly AT recomend cartridge VTF is at the middle of the cartridge's specs on that regards. This means that you can be safe in anyway with 1.25grs. with that cartridge and certainly the cartridge tracking habilities will improve at that setting.

Regards and enjoy the music,