Where should I go next? Where are my weak links?

I am now running a much simpler system than I did in the past. I have a pair of Zu Audio Essence speakers coupled with a Mini-Method sub. They are driven by a pair of Manley Neo-Retro 300b amplifiers. I listen mostly to vinyl. My turntable is a slightly upgraded VPI Scout with the SDS drive, scoutmaster platter, ring clamp and VPI mini feet. The scout is loaded with a Benz Micro L2 wood cartridge. I use a Linn Linto phono stage and a Manley Shrimp preamplifier. I condition the power on my source components with a Furman Elite 15. All my interconnect cables are Zu Audio Missions and my power cords are Zu Boks. My speaker cables are Zu Libtecs. I really love the sound produced by my system. I did not really understand how dynamic my 300b amps could sound until I coupled them with a copacetic set of speakers. But, being as I am, I can't help looking to improve on what I have. I am aware that I am not the most knowledgeable or experienced audiophile, so I am hoping for some useful suggestions from all you savvy folk out there. I am not looking to revolutionize my system at this time, just to refine what I have. I wonder whether an improved phono stage might be in the cards.

Roscoeii, I will be attending AK Fest. I went a few years back, it was loads of fun. Perhaps we can meet there? Stop tempting me with the Well Tempered Amadeus. It was bad enough to hear from Shakey that he loves it with my same cartridge... I'm starting to think about a turntable change prior to the phonostage change. I was not considering a turntable change at all, previously that is...

Learsfool, I don't think you know good this subwoofer is. It is literally invisible. It has a volume control, a phase switch and a crossover frequency dial. I have the volume at the max. It does not matter. The true volume control is the crossover dial. It blends in so seamlessly with the speakers that I often forget that it is not even running. I often realize, after a few records, when I put on something that calls for deep bass, that I've forgotten to switch the damned thing on.

Cheers & thanks,

Hi Ivan,
I appreciate your respectful/tolerant response to Raul.I can`t count the number of times I or other tube amp owners(especially SET) have been lectured to(often condescendingly) about are 'misguided' preference for'coloration and distorted sound.SET amplifiers in 'my' experience simply comes closer to what I hear live then any other amplifier type. I realize everyone`s experience/conclusions are`nt the same and that`s perfectly fine. I`d never feel the urge to wag a finger at their SS amps, but that`s how it goes I guess.

Ivan you`re welcome to my home any time or perhaps I could bring my amps to you to hear in your system(you never no how components will mate).

I was a record spinner for many years(Well Tempered Classic TT,loved it!).i sold it to a friend and later got a used Linn LP-12(not as good IMO). My current fornt end with the Yamamoto-YDA DAC out pre forms the Linn TT, the PWT is a fabulous transport. JAzz redbook CDs sound so good with this combo,the CDs are cheap and plentiful(love Amazon). At this point I`ve no motivation to return to records.
Syntax, why is the Lamm better than the Steelhead?

Believe me, deep in your heart, you don't want to know it really.... :-)
Some further comments on the amplifier-to-speaker impedance compatibility issue:

It can be calculated that the interaction of the speaker's impedance dip to about 4 ohms at 20 kHz and the amplifier's 2 ohm output impedance will result in a frequency response rolloff of about 3.5 db at 20 KHz. The impedance dip to about 8.5 ohms in the area of 250 Hz will result in a frequency response dip of less than 1.8 db.

Neither number seems to me to be all that large. Furthermore, it seems very conceivable that the speaker was voiced with tube amps in mind, which would mean that its design may anticipate and compensate for those impedance interactions. Note in Figure 5 of JA's measurements, which shows nearfield anechoic frequency response, that the response is shelved upwards by about 3 db in the 10 to 20 kHz region!

The review noted much larger frequency response deviations due to interaction with the output impedance of the Shindo Haut-Brion amplifier they were using. My guess is that the output impedance of that amp is considerably higher than 2 ohms. The review indicated that the Shindo provided only a single output tap, which was nominally rated for use with 16 ohm speakers. That would seem consistent with it having a significantly higher output impedance than most tube amps provide.

-- Al
Dear Iramirez: Just imagine a well designed amp that you like its quality performance level and that at the same time was/is accurate/neutral to help listen what is in the recording with low low colorations and distortions.

I think that till you or any one else can have that experiences you or any one else can't even imagine or dream the pleasure and enjoy level all we can achieve through an audio system hering music.

My take is that is better try ( at least try. ) to grow up than stay in the deep " hole " majority of us are for so many years.

I'm only saying: try, learn and move on.

Regards and enjoy the music,