Where should I go next? Where are my weak links?

I am now running a much simpler system than I did in the past. I have a pair of Zu Audio Essence speakers coupled with a Mini-Method sub. They are driven by a pair of Manley Neo-Retro 300b amplifiers. I listen mostly to vinyl. My turntable is a slightly upgraded VPI Scout with the SDS drive, scoutmaster platter, ring clamp and VPI mini feet. The scout is loaded with a Benz Micro L2 wood cartridge. I use a Linn Linto phono stage and a Manley Shrimp preamplifier. I condition the power on my source components with a Furman Elite 15. All my interconnect cables are Zu Audio Missions and my power cords are Zu Boks. My speaker cables are Zu Libtecs. I really love the sound produced by my system. I did not really understand how dynamic my 300b amps could sound until I coupled them with a copacetic set of speakers. But, being as I am, I can't help looking to improve on what I have. I am aware that I am not the most knowledgeable or experienced audiophile, so I am hoping for some useful suggestions from all you savvy folk out there. I am not looking to revolutionize my system at this time, just to refine what I have. I wonder whether an improved phono stage might be in the cards.
Dear Charles1dad: As any one I'm ignorant in several audio subjects. I don't diminish any one of you, I'm only telling why we are almost anal when matching other two audio links but amplifier to speakers: makes no sense tome, makes sense to you?

A well designed accurate and neutral audio item always is pleaseant when is surrounded of similar audio items/links but when is surrounded of other non-accurate/non-neutral and colored audio links we tend to " fix " the culprit to that well designed accurate and neutral item that because of these characteristics shows and showed several faults elsewhere in the audio system that before its integration were hidden for a more colored and distorted audio item.

I'm not talking of amps only, I'm talking of an audio system as a whole entity where a single " sick " link make ill all the audio chain.

We can't wait that in a colored and distorted audio system the " introduction " of one accurate and neutral link can cure/heal that system: NO, that one link is only the begin is only the first step to improve it and we have to " walk " more than one step to achieve that pleaseant, accurate, non-distorted and neutral system quality performance level.

Working on each audio link looking to lower and put at minimum all kind of distortions is the key to " perfection " on quality system performance level where any one will like and love the sounds comme out from that " perfect " audio system.

As I said: in this subject what you, me or any one likes is not important is not the subject but what is wrong or what is right.
I prefer a pleaseant system performance that's accurate, non-distorted and neutral over other that it is: don't you think?

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi Ivan,
I`d look forward to that experience of hearing a different type of speaker. My email is charles1dad@aol.com.
Ivan, I choose from Wavelength Cardinal Signature XS 300Bs or Wavelength 45s Silver driving Beauhorn Virtuoso speakers which house 8" Lowther DX4s. Very simple crossover-less design in a VERY small apartment. They don't reach extreme highs or lows, but do work VERY well for my liking! (Volume is NO problem with either amplifier pairs) I certainly feel where you are coming from, my friend!
BTW, currently running Sophia RPs in the Cardinals.
Charles, I am enjoying your sound reviews and looking forward to further installments, not to mention reports of yours and Ivan's equipment getting together in whichever configuration. Big fun!
If Ivan and I can work out the details it should be both fun and educational.With the Takatsuki 300b tubes in my amplifier I`m experiencing the most pure,natural and 'realism' of sound I`ve ever had in my system. I really look forward to hearing your Sophia RP tubes in my amplifier. I bet your Wavelength amps just sound wonderful.
Best Regards,
Charles, I hope you're not hinting at me to send you my amps to test.... just kidding!! he he he