Dynavector XV-1s vs. Transfiguration Temper w

Anyone listened to these cartridges in their system. Could you discribe any differences. I have a Basis 2200 Signature w/ a Vector 4 arm and XV-1s cart. Phono pre is a Aesthetix Rhea Signature. Thanks, Greg
Greg, I own a 2500 Signature and I've owned a Dynavector XV-1s mounted on it. I also have a friend who has a 2200 Signature with a Transfiguration Orpheus mounted on it. I would generally agree with what Ptmconsulting has posted. The Dynavector is more dynamic, powerful and transparent, while the Transfiguration is warmer and more musical. Which one would work best for you would depend on the rest of your system. If your system needs some warmth, go for the Transfiguration. If your system needs a shot in the arm, the Dynavector would work best.

Sorry, I haven't heard the Temper w, so I can't add anything there.
I haven't heard the Temper W in quite a while. At the time, I thought it was a decent cartridge, but somewhat "polite" and lacking in the ability to make the music jump. The later Transfigurations are much better in that regard. I've heard, and liked, a Phoenix that a friend had in his system for a short time (on a Linn table with Naim ARO arm).

I own a Transfiguration Orpheus L cartridge. I like it a lot. It works very well with my Basis Vector 3 arm/Basis Debut Vacuum table. I think the Basis arm would work well with just about any medium to low compliance cartridge. It is an arm that is very capable of draining/dissipating the large amount of vibrational energy a cartridge can deliver into the arm (one of the reasons Jonathan Carr of Lyra recommends Vector arms).

I also own a Lyra Titan cartridge. I like this cartridge a lot too. It has a bit more open and "airy" sound than the Orpheus. The Orpheus has a bit more emphasis in the upper midrange (Lyra is cooler sounding). Both are terrific cartridges with a different, though, to me, equally appealing sound.

It's been a while since I heard the XV-1S and it was in a somewhat unfamiliar dealer system. The system sounded good, so the cartridge must be good too. A friend has a cheaper Dynavector (XX-2, I believe) that he likes as much as his Orpheus. Beyond a certain price/quality point, preference becomes a system matching/personal preference decision and one cannot necessarily expect price to indicate "better" sound.
The XV-1s is far from being a top cartridge. It looks good but it is slow, dull and in general anemic. Good for very analytical Systems and for Listers who look for some "warmth". The Transfiguration W is a total different chapter, much closer to the real thing in reproduction, I think, it is among the best Trasfiguration carts ever made. The Orpheus is imo not worth the money, totally overpriced for its performance abilities and in a way it is sterile. Go for Phoenix instead when you don't like that attribute and save.
A top cartridge is the old Zyx UNIverse, I am not up to date with availability, but this one is really outstanding and works with any Arm at top level. When you look for something outstanding for small money --> Lyra Delos.
Syntax- I had the Lyra Delos in my system before the XV-1s and compared them for a couple weeks. The Delos was very detailed but thin sounding compared to the vx-1s. Overall not nearly as strong in the bass or natural sounding in the mid-range(vocals)and simply not as musical in my system. As I said before I would like to try another cart., but my first try w/ Lyra was not good for my ears. Thank you for you impressions of the Temper w.