New cartridge - Benz Micro or Ortofon Cadenza?

I have listened to a number of carts in two different systems, and the two that stood out were the Benz Micro L2 wood and the Ortofon Cadenza Black. It is unfortunately not possible for me to compare them directly in the same system.

My impressions were that the Benz Micro sounded lush and warm, which hopefully would not be too much of a good thing, whereas the Ortofon was dynamic and more neutral without being too analytical.

My dealer suggested that if I like the Benz Micro L2, I should also consider the BM Copper.

Any thought, suggestions or recommendations?
Just replaced my Benz H2 with a Cadenza Bronze: good move on my part, I love the Benz but the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze is in another league altogether. More dynamic, better bass and exceptionally large expansive sound staging. Plenty of detail, highly musical, just a great great performer.
Well the Benz H2 was your problem. you will get a much better result with the L2 by a long shot. I do not have any experience with the cadenza bronze but judging by its price range, i would say you would be buying a very nice piece.
I've had the Benz Wood M2 and a Ref 3 (low output, copper coils) in my system a few years ago. I've also had an Ortofon Jubilee (predecessor of Cadenza Black), MC Windfeld, and Kontrapunkt c (predecessor of Cadenza Bronze) in my system around that time. And I also had a Cadenza Bronze for a day, a couple years back.

Out of them all, the Kontrapunkt c and Bronze had the best mix of neutrality with a touch of organic, natural warmth. The Jubilee and Windfeld were more analytical and left me kinda cold. The Benzes had a fun sound, but weren't as clean/smooth as the Ortofons (especially on top), not as extended, and had higher noise floor. It also seemed like parts of their response were a bit hyped up to give them this kind of "fun" sound. However, the newer "S" class Benzes are said to be a substantial improvement, and I've not heard those.

I enjoyed all these carts, but the Kontrapunkt c and Bronze were my overall favorites, despite the Windfeld being technically better (also, the Windfeld's bass response is insane; easily the best I've heard). Now I've happily run a Koetsu Jade/Onyx Platinum for a few years. But I really like that Bronze (wish I hadn't sold the Kontra c). Sometimes I wonder if I should just buy a Cadenza Bronze and not worry (as much) about $ cost per hour.