Choices, turntable purchase choices?

Recently I have been investigating a future turntable purchase. Not that my current JVC, QL-Y5F is a problem or not working right, but as in much of this hi-fi hobby we look to make gear changes at times. Thus, I began to think, I want to make sure any turntable I'd buy is one that I'd hopefully enjoy for a long while at least 5 years before any future upgrade or change itch may return. If I'm lucky maybe longer. This is why my budget range is above going entry level or the likes. No, I do not have a Champagne budget, but a Regular Joe beer budget range. However I want to get a rig that will give my notably solid vinyl playback quality enough to hopefully keep me happy with said table for a while.

So lots of reading and surfing the web etc has led me to a few choices I'd like to ask for opinions and if any of you own or have owned your thoughts.

1: Clearaudio, Concept $1400.00 to $2000.00 depending on cartridge options. If sans cartridge I'd look at putting my Ortophon 2M Blue on it. How does the Concept MM stack up as an alternative to the Blue? Is the Concept MC worth $500 more than the Concept MM?

2: Rega, RP6. $1500.00 to $2000.00 depending on going no cartridge or adding the Exact2. Rega definitely goes another direction to the Concept. It does come with a dust cover as standard though. Looks to have a nice RB303 arm too.

3: VPI, Scout $1800.00 with no cartridge or dust cover. Another cool tone arm though.

4: Another suggestion in the $1400.00 to $2000.00 range?

None of the choices above precludes making future cartridge changes and/or phono Preamp ones. I have a Cambridge Audio 640p running well right now.
Last time I checked, the Amadeus retailed for $2700. If you don't mind the fact there is no cue lever, I would urge you to consider it. I believe Don Better is an Ortofon and WT dealer. Perhaps he has tried your Ortofon on an Amadeus.
No affiliation w/ Don or WT, but I do enjoy my Amadeus.
There is a Well Tempered Reference and a Classic currently for sale right here. The older arms have slightly different adjustability.

While a different turntable may be an audible improvement your Technics is still a very good deck. Using your budget on a new high quality cartridge such as a Benz Micro Wood would provide greater sonic gains.
Bring my thoughts up to date.

First thanks for all inputs to date.

The tables I noted are all going to be good units and as such will likely keep me happy for hopefully at min 5 years before any possible upgrade itch were to return :-)

I'm leaning towards the Clearaudio Concept. I have these options. To get it with not the MM Concept cartridge but the next model up MM Wood Classic ($1500). Of course for more money I can get it with the MC Concept ($2000). I lean towards the lower price model so that if an itch to make some intermediary changes were to come before 5 years I could maybe satisfy them with then upgrading the cartridge on the Concept turntable without feeling to make a bigger change LOL :-)

I still consider going Rega RP6 either sans cartridge ($1595) or with the Exact ($2190). I've never heard a Rega either and find all the reading online towards Rega interesting, QUITE POLARIZING! It's either loved or hated but very little feeling in between for that brand. The understated looks but with IMO liking either gloss black or Red is cool. I see gloss blue (that would be my fav) but never see it as an available colour. I'm not sure if the RB303 arm is better, similar or worse than the Verify arm on the Concept. Both probably ROCK! I once had an RB250 on my previous DIY turntable. How much different and/or better is RB303 over the RB250? I do wish the Rega came with a VTA. I know Rega does not stand much on such but I like the option and the Concept has it. The more affordable after market VTA add ons for Regas, how good are they and how easy are they to add on?

As to VPI, I like the Scout II in looks over the Scout but now we are over $2200. The Classic 1 is $2750+ and I'm now tending to not go that high. I know, I know maybe in time it could be a better value as maybe I'd keep it longer but this often insidious hi-fi hobby is often more about emotions and not rational thoughts. :-( Both VPI's are still hanging on and I do plan on making a choice within the next few weeks but I'm tending towards the ideal that I will be looking at fixing the upgrade itch which may hit me within 5 years or so. How do I know that? My hifi purchasing history.

Music Hall mmf2.1 had it appx. 3 years
DIY Table made and rebuilt once to a second variant had it for 2 years
KAB Modded SL-1200MKII appx. 2.5 years
Current JVC QL-Y5F owning it for 2 years now.

Each table noted were nice and changes/upgrades were more out of emotions than not so I have a feeling I will get an upgrade itch before 5 years LOL :-)

If I were to buy a table that may be a lifer it would be to shoot the wad and buy an Oracle Delphi MKVI at about $9000. At table type I've liked a lot over the years. But I could not feel comfortable at pumping out that kind of cash today.

Anyways any more thoughts on my latest points and especially questions?

why not buy an Oracle Delphi III or IV if that style suits you. You should be able to find one for under $2000.