Right Channel louder than the left

I have a Nottingham Ace Spacedeck and the Ace Space Tonearm fitted with a Shelter 5000 cartridge (MC). I find that the right channel is slightly louder (more dominant) than the left channel (this is also reflected in the VU meters of the pre-amp Mcintosh C2200). I was wondering what my options are to correct this interms of adjustments. Would changing the anti-skate work or should I be looking at an azimuth adjustment (help needed on this one) or something else.
Also what equipment would I need to do this.

thanks in advance
The first thing I would do is reverse the leads from the TT/Phono to the pre-amp and see if this change is reflected on the VU meters. If it is the easiest thing to check first would be the anti skate after you check all of your IC's and wire routing to be sure connections are all solid.

Thanks. I did reverse the connections and the problem persists. I did fiddle with the anit skate but it does not seem to have much of an effect
I'm not surprised. Did you check the leads on the phono cartridge? Try reversing these leads and see if the channel reverses accordingly. You could have a problem in the cartridge itself.