Best place to consign classical LPs in NYC?

At my storage space in NYC I've got a collection of 1000 pristine classical LPs spanning 1950s-1980s and am considering selling them on consignment.

Can anyone recommend a shop that sells on consignment, and is trustworthy and fair?

Having just visited NYC and shopped for records i would be surprised to see anyone who had the space to place 1,000 lps into their stock.You got selling as a lot,making a list and selling on line,doing a Craigslist ad and dealing with the unwashed weirdos and you have the Princeton Record Exchange.I was just there and i have to say that the stock really was in poor shape.They could use the records for certain,whether they want or care is another thing.You have to sell the idea to them and take them out there.Make sure your records ARE pristine AND valuable first.I run into lots of people who walk the walk but the records don't talk the talk.
Check out located in the UK,you might find this site interesting and it might give you a realistic barometer on value.First thing i would do is have someone with some knowledge evaluate your collection.Might cost you a few hundred dollars but will benefit you in the long run.Good Luck.
Thanks for your replies!

Jazzcourier, how would I go about finding an expert to value my collection?
Being in California i would contact,they are in Sacramento.Being in NYC i would give the Westsider Records person a try and either he would perform such a service or would most likely know someone amongst his customers that might be a reliable source.I missed that store on my last visit but it looks very interesting.SOME of these record retailers can be helpful,friendly and accommodating.On the the other hand some can be low ball opportunists,i like to call them "vinyl vermin"if you can afford some time to value the records and weigh your options for dispersal you will get the most out of them.Be mindful that some of these used record stores thrive on the uninformed seller.Really a thousand records is not too much to deal with,it just sounds like a lot,unless of course,you have to move them.Good Luck!
A reality check: most stores do not pay very much for classical records. I don't know what your expectations are or what you paid for the collection, but wholesale I think that you be very lucky to receive anything near $1 an album. Most vendors will offer you .10 - .50 per, if they will even pay for them at all.

It's not that classical records aren't worth much; they are, to the right buyer. But there is a reason that most of the space in record stores is taken by rock and jazz albums. The demand completely outstrips the (relatively) small demand for used classical albums.

I think that you will be better off selling them here or on eBay. Sell the rare ones individually, and the more common LPs in lots. Be prepared to donate or give away opera and specialty albums.