Is tonearm bias a compromise, maybe a myth?

I recently decided to check my tonearm/cartridge setup: alignment protractor, tracking force gauge, checked VTA, bias weight, etc. as over my many years with turntables and tonearms I have been surprised to discover that "shift happens". I have a very low mass arm with a very high compliance MM tracking at 1.25 gms. There was just a minor shift this time in tracking force. But afterwards I was really surprised at how much more depth there was to the soundstage and greater subtle details. I was then gobsmacked by the discovery that I had forgotten to re-attach the bias weight thread! Applying Lateral Bias seems to compromise performance elsewhere, true?
What Fleib and Audiofeil said. But I'd rather do this topic again than Madonna.
All skin and bones and no meat, which is pretty much what you get when the antiskate is out. I use female opera singers for checking anti skate, I have a couple of records that wont track if its out.