Do you leave your platter spinning while switching

I have read various articles that advise you to leave your platter turning while switching records. I have yet to find a good reason behind this suggestion. What are you guys and gals doing? What would be the benefit of leaving the platter turning vs stopping it?
I leave my TTs spinning. i own a screwdown clamp i no longer use as i just do not want to shut off the platter to clamp down.
Now i generally do not use a clamp on the Rega, unless the Lp is dished.. then i grab the weight from the Kuzma to put on the Rega.
I never shut either TT off while in a listening session.
It was always the done thing with LP12s - largely due to the low torque arrangement. It helped stability to leave it on. The Hercules II is even worse! (Bit of a misnomer that...)
The felt mat had a constant tendency to attach itself to the LP during flipping and occasionally dropped off during the act, causing it to assume a dangerously wide arc towards the stylus! (Another reason for preferring a Ringmat :) I never damaged a cartridge despite this.

So I continued that practice for 25 years until I acquired a Raven, which I always switch on and off as the platter size doesn't lend itself easily to "active flipping".
The Raven's platter is always stabilised in < 1 second so there's no hardship in doing this. If I was going to give it a helping hand I'd have to be quick!!
YES........ I leave my platter spinning when I turn over an LP or put on a new LP. No magical manual dexterity,.. just simple care and an easy touch.
I use a TW deck too, the Raven one and leave it spinning. I don't use a clamp. I tried a Shun Mook weight and could'nt detect much difference. That being the case, it is easy to take a disc off a spinning platter and I agree that constant turning on and off, would logically seem to add stress to the motor and controller.