Lyra vs. Lyra


I have a Lyra Delos, but i want to upgrade to a better Lyra model.

So can anyone describe the sound difference from Delos to Kelos to Skala to Titan i?

My turntable is a TW-Acoustic Raven One with Kuzma 4Point and the phonostage is my Hovland HP200p
11-20-12: Syntax
I compared the Delos with a lot of cartridges, I seriously think it is one of the best out there you can buy. Independent from Price.

My sentiments exactly!!
Pierre, I'm happy for you I only gave my opinion, because I was considering exactly the move you made and was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to audition first. That was my impression, and of the vinyl nut who got me onto the dark side in the first place. There is no doubt the Lyra's have an awesome "house sound", and while the Titan i is "better", for me it it didn't justify the extra $3 or 4 k, but each has is own perception of value. It's a great cartridge, enjoy the sound, I can only imagine you are listening 24/7 trying to run it in quickly!
Pierre as a former TW Acoustics ac 2 owner I would suggest dumping your table for a better one for sure you are not hearing half of what is there.
Syntax, I suppose I should explain in more detail. I set VTA visually and by listening and was happy, then acquired the ability to measure, and found I was off the recommended VTA by 2 degrees, when I attempted to set it at the recommended value, it sounded worse, "cognitive dissonance and that", just wanted to see what experiences others have had with this. Perhaps it is not to use a measuring tool and just set by ear. I would however be interested in what the measurement is when it sounds right on others rigs.