Miyabi 47 cartridge: How many hours does it last ?

I have an opportunity to buy a used Miyabi47 cartridge. What is the typical life expectancy of this cart, considering it is well maintained ? How many hours does it really sing without any significant deterioration ?

I remember reading somewhere it only does 1000 hours before starting to lose its magic :(. Is it true ?
Nandric, the mlc-1 is a low compliance cartridge, designed by nakamichi but built by miyabi. The cello is the same weight but is high compliance (the sound is first class)(review by hifi choice)
Syntax ,my post was to show that miyabi cartridge can be re tipped without problem and are built to last.
Last week i was tempted by a zyx universe with more than 1000 hours so i contacted Roberto Torlai in Italy and he said me that if there were problems inside the cartridge it was impossible to repair, so i stay away.
Hi Nandric,

Really, Syntax is a duck?

Ah, numbers, good! Yes, those all look to be close enough and most likely within the statistical variation of error when dealing with an art form instead of a science, ha!

I am happy that this cartridge of yours was promoted to the number one team!

Fun Mostly,

Dear Stitche, You seem to be an 'grand master' in mis interpreting my statements. I assume that your intention is to provoke some Balkan answers from my side. Well my
statement was that Syntax owns a better looking duck than others but because of the logical difficulties involved (x=y=z, qua looks) I was forced to use numerical instead
of verbal description for your 'beatiful duck'. But to me 'owning something' and 'being something' are different categories. Ergo: Syntax is not a duck.
To be honest I really thought that all those LOMC's were like 'our ducks'. Say only marginaly different and because of this 'subjective opinion' my opinion about myself would be very disturbed with any price above,say, $3000.
So you can imagine my feelings by my discovery that I am not deaf or, which is the same, was able to hear clear difference between my 'new duck' and +/-20 other kinds of
birds (aka carts) that I own. I deed shout 'Heureka!' and though about you because you was 'the one' who told me about the Miyabi Standard in the first place.
Dear Gilles, While I was very glad for myself and sorry for
Syntax by each new discovery of Takeda's American 'ducks'
you are obviously aiming at confusing and complicating the
issue. The more of those 'ducks' the better chance to get
some more for cheap. Such a kind of guy I become because of
the MM thread. I decided 20x already to stop with this
sickly habit to start each day with searching on ebay for
new/old MM carts but, alas, the sickness in casu seems
to be not curable. My 'solution' is to do the opposite
and convince this way my other egos that I am doing something
totally different. I look at present only for the LOMC's and
those American ducks in particuar. Are you in the
position to put them all in a ranking order such
that anybody can see what to look for?

You guys a superb combination of fun and information. So, it is clear that 1000 hours mark for a Miyabi cart is a good time to consult the doctor. Now, the next important topic could be, in the absence of Takeda san who else can do a good job of retipping ?