The road to insanity...

Piglet's Epiphany
A Long and Painful Sharing of the Shocking True Events that Have Landed Me in this Insane Boat, Along with the Rest of You Loonies, Looking for Moral Support of Like Suffering Individuals Who Would Like to Share Their Tales of Sorrow.

I thank Perkadin for his post, which brought back these memories.

It all started like this...

I though all CD players simply had to sound the same
I could not imagine otherwise.

After moving to a new place, I ended up with my old 'top of the line' pioneer changer, my wife's Kenwood changer, and my mother in law's JVC. All were changers.
I loaded them all up, not to do a comparison, but because I wanted to access over a bunch of cd's at once.

Each was plugged into a difference source in my old Akai (remember them?) receiver.
Well, I started to notice that the three players sounded different. I though, well, it's just the cd's that are different. But it became a rather noticeable difference. The older 'top of the line' Pioneer was clearly the worst, while the $200 JVC seemed to be the best.

So... I found cd's that I had dupes of (from my wife's or mil's collection). Then I realized that not all cd players sounded the same.

Then I decided to see what could make such a difference. The first thing that I found out was... the CD players each have a different DAC (I know, common sense now, but at the time I had given this zero though).

Eventually, I picked up a used Denon changer, which blew all the others away (still in use in the bedroom).

(now, skip forward a couple of years, and I'd now just made my semi-accidental first high(er) end buy, a pair of NHT 2.5's.Tried several other, like Boston Acoustic, and they all sounded very weak.)

These replaced 10 year old Cerwin Vega -gasp you say? let he amongst you who has not owned some "cool" crappy speakers throw the first stone!

This let me to the next (miss)step.
I though all amps/receivers sounded the same. I had read as much from 'professionals.' Frankly, I though only speakers made a real difference, and that speaker freq.. response figures were all I needed to know.

I replaced the Akai with a Marantz, simply because I wanted to listen to movies in surround.
Well, I'll be damned if it didn't sound better than the Akai.

Now, this was something. Hum, well if Denon made a decent CD player, the must make a decent receiver.
Picked up a Denon 5600dts receiver (still thinking 'hey, it does stereo AND HT!, plus -signs of learning- it has a built in DAC, Burr Brown and all).
Now, I was not longer surprised. The Denon blew the doors of the Marantz. Much better, tighter bass was the first thing that jumped at me.

OK, so now I'm beginning to get into music again (it'd been years) but... I started getting tired quickly. I found myself thinking "gee, these speakers sound good." Well, that's gets boring very fast. I wanted to hear music.

So a few months later (notice gravity taking me down the slippery slope?) I decided to get something less "clinical."

Now I went to the web. I bought, sight unseen and hearing unheard, a pair of VSR VR-3's. I bought these because one of the recurring themes in the reviews (both pro and user -I now had little faith in 'pro' reviews) was that these were "musical" speakers.

Well, they sure were/are. Much better than the 2.5's. I was now listening to music, not speakers.

OK, now we start getting into serious insanity, and if you've put up with my ramblings you are more patient than I.

When I bought the VR3's, I received free of charge a pair of unterminated AQ Type 4 cables. I looked at them, said "cable is cable", and tossed them aside.
I was at this time using Monsters (see Cerwin Vega comment above).

One day, I was getting ready to go to work. I had a burst of energy and I decided to take a bit of time and hook up the AQ's (yeah, it's good to be the boss). They were a pain in the behind to install, since the were not terminated but once I start something, I will finish. I expected to hear no difference.

I turned on the system, and played some Ruben Gonzalez.
Oh man, did it sound good, so airy and smooth!

I though: "Hiram, you silly fool, it's not the cables. You just spent half an hour making these things work, and it's a sunny Miami afternoon, it sounds good because you feel good and because you want it to sound good, and that music was made for days like today."
Cable is cable.

Fast forward to November of 2001, we have just moved to a new house, with tons of room including one for... HT.
One of the first things did when we moved was set up the audio. But there's no way I was going to go through that trouble with the AQ's again, so out came the Monsters.

One night my wife sits down next to me and we listen to some Beatles (first time since we'd moved she had a chance to sit and listen).
While listening to A Day in the Life she tells me that it sound "wrong", as if it was "struggling."
"Well", I say, "it has to be acoustics." So she goes to do something, I move the speakers, call her back. Nope, still sounds wrong.

OK, I could only think of item that was different between the two homes: the speaker cables. Out come the AQ's, and I put them in place (only took 10 minutes this time). Called her back... "yes, now it sounds like it did before.'

oh oh...

In the words of Randy Bachman..."You ain't seen nothing yet.." KP, it gets worse. Before you know it yer screwin' with tweaks of all kinds (and trust me, some are truly bizarre), foolin' with the toe-in of your 9-foot tall planar speakers 1/16 of an inch at a time til the soundstage is PERFECT (only to change the feet on 'em a week later anyway), re-wiring your entire electrical grid, and radically changing the decorations in your house to "tune your listening environment". Once you've gotten to the point of truly questioning your sanity, you'll invest in a killer analog front end and really enjoy the the devious ride-in-the-barrel-over-the-falls. It doesn't get any better, be very very careful....Jeff

p.s never bought sh*tty speakers. Went from Mission (at the ripe age of 13) to Ohm to Apogee to Spica to Celestion to B&W's to Martin Logan to YBA to Totem to Wharfdale to Apogee to Martin Logan *whew*
Yes, I'm already there Jeff!

Dedicated power lines (check)
Silver Cryo Outlets (check)
Foam behind curtains (check)
Tow hours moving 150 lbs. Speaker, checking toe in... (check)
Power cords (check)

Alredy been through 2 DAC's, looking for a third.
Two amps (happy there, even though I had said "tubes? why all the trouble?").
Looking to replace pre amp (two months old).

I don't even want to consider analog (yet...)

Been there too KP. I'll admit to Bose 501s (that's right Bose) in my early audio years, then JBL 700s, and the fist "good" speaker-- Vandersteen 2Ces. And like you, I rapidly picked up steam from there........and well, a couple of weeks ago I wrote a rave review here on A'Gon about high purity copper, high expense, ceramic insulation, FIM AC outlets......You know the rest of the story. commiserations, or better yet Cheers;>) Craig.
I spent the first 21 years of my life deeply immersed in music performance. Music playback held little interest ... live performance was all I really knew anything about.

Then one day I started to read about ambience processing. I thought to myself this must be it! They have found a way to separate the sound from the box. Now, maybe I can stand to listen.

I went to a local audio store to find out about something named YAMAHA. A nice young man named Frank played source material for me through this unit. It sounded silly.

Then Frank said, why don't you try listening to THIS? This was a pair of Vandersteen model 3's and a pair of Thiel 2.2s. Enter 2 channel audio. I plunked down $5K and NEVER looked back. Insanity? My husband and I changed our last name to Audiotweak, and have enjoyed the ridicule of friends and family ever since.