Difference between Brinkmann Bardo and Oasis?

Would someone know what is the difference between a Brinkmann Bardo and the Brinkmann Oasis?
Check the Brinkman website it has a very good description of both table's physical description. If you want to know how the tables sound against one another, I have no experience with the Oasis but the Bardo is an excellent sounding table.
.... the sound of the Bardo is salubrious, exquisite, stunning, glorious and dazzling and the sound of the Oasis is superlative, smashing, magnificent, superb and impeccable...
Syntax, it must be evening where you are. Either that or you're drinking in the morning again.
I've listened to both of the direct drive Brinkmanns. If both have the same platter and are mounted on the same surface, with the same tonearm and cartridge, the sonic differences between them aren't actionable. Buy the one that suits you for price and aesthetics. Almost ANY differences you impose in resting surface, whether you use any intermediate mounting devices like bearings, magnetic repulsion, isolation materials, etc. will impose more difference than the delta between the Bardo and Oasis alone.

The Brinkmann low-torque motor/high rotating mass direct drive is excellent for both sound and speed stability. In the current economics of high end audio, these Brinkmann direct drives are a peak value point in $8000-$15000 turntables. I prefer Oasis with it's plinth.
