Changing iTunes default Library

My music is on. NAS drive and iTunes accepts the library OK under normal circumstances - e.g. close/restart iTunes.

But sometimes, e.g. powering down my iMac or after a power outrage, iTunes resets the library back to its default setting.

Has anyone been able to get iTunes to always use an alternate library path?

Thanks Ghost - I've fully tested this out now and the only time it prompts for a library is where iTunes was running when the power is cut.

Even then, I just quit itunes , wait for the NAS to be assigned (takes about 10 seconds in my case) and then restart itunes - voila!

Not sure why Apple couldn't document this - it's pretty simple.
- actually, not sure why they couldn't code it properly in the first place:-)

Thanks for the pointers

Ghost - it was the part about getting the pop-up prompting for the library
after a restart. On my setup iTunes just started and I went to preferences to
reset the the NAS drive path each time

I had never experienced that pop-up - so I played around until I got it to
display. Once I entered the NAS path in there it never reset back to the

See - every little piece of Info helps - thanks again :-) :-) :-)