Well Tempered SIMPLEX or Rega RP6

Considering these two tables in the $1500-$2000 price range. I am already a fan of the Amadeus, and know it's sound well. I am hoping someone has an impression of how these two compare. Thanks !
Can't you add the cueing device to the Simplex?

I agree about the speed changes. A pushbutton would be nice on the Amadeus.

Hi Shakeydeal- I believe you can, but not sure if I will get it. I have certainly gotten used to not having it on the Amadeus. How are you liking the Benz on the Amadeus ? I think that arm works with a pretty wide array of cartridges. I see your wall mount setup. I will be wall mounting this time, and am intrigued by the springs you are using. Are they the one's from Geoff Kaitt's company, the Co. name escapes me....
I think the Benz sounds great on the Amadeus.

Yes, that is a Promethan Base from Geoff Kait. I just mounted it to the wall. Works very well.

the simplex, of course. sonically, i can't imagine any rega design besting a wtl table. you'll get used to the lack cue lever. for that reason alone i debated b/w simplex and versalex. i chose simplex over other wtl tables. i simply prefer the no nonsense design and appearance. i figure that if i ever tire of its appearance, i'll paint it ferrari yellow. mated with wtl dps and dynavector xx2 mkii, it's tough to beat.