Is Nagra BPS The Best Small Phono Pre?

I have downsized considerably, from a ASR Basis Exclusive, and I'm ready to get a new phono stage. Is the BPS the best of the smallest? I wish I could afford the size of a full shelf but I can really only fit something a half shelf size and short height works well but I'd maybe be able to create some height is there was another good option. Turntable will be a Kuzma Stabi S/Stogi and Lyra Delos.
You may want to check out the ZYX Artisan. It can hold its own w some very good phono stages. Head to head it easily beat out a Rhea and was very close to the internal phono in a VAC Ren. It was bettered by the Doshi Alaap, but not by that much. It's about the size of a couple of packs of cigarettes and uses a wall wart PS to recharge internal batteries which may be part of it's success.
Not sure whether small means only dimensionally small or also a small budget phono. If it is the later then I cannot recommend any other phono more seriously than a Lehmann Audio Blackcube SE (not the standard version). I have heard with a Helikon it was very very good, better than any phono under $2k that I have come across.