Ortofon 2M Bronze vs. Grado Reference platinum

Yes...I read all the threads about this issue in the forum history...

I have the Rega Planar 3 TT + Rega Elicit Amp. I love both.
My amazing Nottingham Analogue Tracer 1 cartridge died and is no longer available.
I bought the Grado Reference platinum. I know I'm not suppose to judge it before 20 hours of listening passed but I tend to think it lacks the detailed sound of the Nottingham Analogue cartridge. I'm considering the Ortofon 2M Bronze but I fear it would sound too cold for me.
There is a notion where I live that for the budget of a 400$ you have to chose between the high details of the Ontofon Bronze and the warmth of the Grado reference platinum. You can't have both.

1. How on earth am I supposed to judge something if I can't hear it before I buy it.
2. Somebody suggested a third option : Ortofon Rondo Red MC cartridge but I'm not sure my beloved Rega Elicit MC input is good enough to fit the Rondo MC (It can support MC cartridges by setting on-board dip switches) ... Any thoughts ? Would this be a lipstick on a pig ?
3 Any ideas for other MM options within the area of 400$ ?
To me musical means sounds more like real music rather than a recording. Why does one sound musical and the aother does not? I dont know. I just describe what I hear. There are also many online reviews of the entire 2M line-up. Cheers.
I really like my Ortofon MC-3 turbo (high output MC) for less than $300 US new. Some good reviews on it also...
A Dynavector 10X5, would be just the thing for you. You may need the shim and this may stretch your budget a bit. However it will be worth and most (I think) folks would agree that the Dyna plays extremely well with the Rega tables.
