Esco cantilever/stylus mods for Zu Denon 103R

I've just learned of this mod a few minutes ago, but I haven't been able to turn up any info as to where and how to acquire this service.

Appreciate the help, thanks, regards,
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As far as I'm aware they don't have a website. Don't worry about that, they're one of these companies that have been dealing with stylii related issues since the Golden Age of audio in the 50s and 60s, and are actively involved in lots of engineering pursuits (like SME). What their main man doesn't know about stylii/carts isn't worth knowing, and their cost effective service really puts to shame all the times I'd send my prev. Transfiguration carts back to Japan for retipping and be seriously overcharged.
Remember to factor in the cost of shipping both ways/customs charges, since they're based in England.

Thanks much for your answer to my question, it's really appreciated. My Zu Denon is a 103R (within 2% channel matching), is never out of rotation for very long.
My Dyna XX2MKII is getting very long in the tooth, after about seven years of steady use, it's getting ready for a re-tip. Sounds like ESCO might be the right choice to send that to for work.

The Zu 103R is already an outstanding cartridge, and to be able to take it to another level entirely for $400 is an opportunity not to be missed.

Thanks again for the help, best regards,
Dan, the only thing I would say is that there are those who feel it's not the way to go. I'm not too sure if they've heard the end result. It is surely true that changing the stylus profile and cantilever in effect changes the cart, but I found that in effect the heart of the Zu 103 has been retained but with an extra level of refinement. In fact the one area that I considered lacking (high end stridency) has been totally addressed and replaced by an excellent sweetness.
My system is pretty neutral (direct rim drive tt/linear tracking arm/full range driver xoverless spkrs) and the new balance of sound from the cart provides an excellent synergy. However if your system is really lush, soft and warm sounding this sweetness MAY be too much. Personally I can't imagine any system not benefitting but YMMV.
I have a denon 103r with ebony wood body with the ESC'd Paratrace stylus and sapphire cantilever.

While it raises the performance considerably, it does not compare to my dynavector xv-1s or my Lyra ATLAS, so do not expect miracles as they do not exist.

Hi Downunder, I bow to your views since you can hear the ESCCo Zu 103 alongside more expensive MCs in the same system. For me, I was able to compare it against the Transfiguration Orpheus in my system and felt there was no contest. The Orpheus was maybe a little ahead on neutrality, detail retrieval and soundstaging, but the ESCCo routinely beat it on tonality, dynamics, PRaT and all round involvement.
I've only heard the Titan/Atlas/Goldfinger in other systems so maybe shouldn't comment, but really feel at the very least the ESCCo Zu isn't embarrassed in such company.
The other consideration is that maybe the Al bodied Zu 103 has different characteristics than the wooden bodied Uwe Zu.