Esco cantilever/stylus mods for Zu Denon 103R

I've just learned of this mod a few minutes ago, but I haven't been able to turn up any info as to where and how to acquire this service.

Appreciate the help, thanks, regards,
Yesterday, I sent my Zu 103R (lvl 2) to Soundsmith for their top cantilever and diamond. I am thinking that this is the equivalent of the ESCCo mods discussed here. This cart had been out of service for about a year because of a sweater-sleeve circumcision of the original cantilever. Now I can't wait to get it back to hear the results.
ESCCo are in the UK, Soundsmith the USA. This consideration as much as anything will swing most people's choice.
Where ESCCo may score over Soundsmith is the fact they provide diamond tips from scratch ie a more bespoke service, whereas Soundsmith provide from stock.
My ESCCo Zu 103 is still playing the role of giant killer, blowing my Orpheus out of the water.
BUT, I am a BIG fan of Peter Lederman at Soundsmith, and am actively considering his Straingauge to go up against the Zu 103. We shall see (hear).
I'm very curious about Soundsmith vs. Expert for the mod. I'm heard a lot about Expert from Lencoheaven, but mostly from European users. So is it any better than Soundsmith? IMO Soundsmith does great work. Could Expert be any better?
Suspect it's all in the same ball park. Soundsmith and ESCCo both have long and distinguished histories. They both have great feedback. I get the impression the actual diamond tips are more bespoke with ESCCo, but beyond this I can't help.
All I can say is, that for the price, the end result is fantastic, and the quality of work/customer service exemplary. Let's hear from some happy Soundsmith retipped customers.
Can't wait to compare to the Straingauge.
This hobby is bad for OCD! Small adjustments to VTF/VTA/azimuth are all making differences to the sound. Luckily it's all positive with VTF esp. making real improvements. Still finding closer to 2.5 makes more sense than the ESCCo advised 2.0.
Will be auditioning the Straingauge, but this cart is so persuasive that the demo will really have to blow me away or present such a persuasively different perspective on the music to sway me.