Upgrading cartridge used or new?

I am in process to upgrade my analog setup starting from replacing my DV 10x5 with an step up one from DV or other make.
My TT rega P5.

On my journey I had hear mixed things about buying used, a much better cartridge or just pay same amount for a brand new lower end one.

Some dealers said you never know the history of a used cartridge, so you must believe the always magic # from the seller of 100 hours on it, plus vinyls condition that was expose to, etc.

While the new even if lower end is a solid secure step.

I would like to hear your exp about buying cartridges on used market.

As always must appreciate all your time to share your comments.

I have never had a suspension failure. I used a Koetsu Rosewood almost daily for 3 years and absolutely wore out the stylus, about 3000+hours. After a $250 retip, it sounded as good as new
I had one that I bought new that wore out in about 5 years. It happened so gradually that I didn't really notice it until I changed to another less expensive model cartridge in the same line. Then I tried to re-mount the old cartridge again and it just didn't sound good at all. I don't have a microscope, so I can't say if it was the stylus of the suspension that was the problem, it just sounded lifeless and sluggish compared to the new one.

I also remember buying a used cartridge that I thought just didn't sound good to me, so I turned around and re-sold it, like I do with other gear that I don't care for the sound of. The person I sold it to told me that it was shot, that he could see under a microscope how worn the stylus was.
You buy used cartridge in two cases:

1. You like a particular cartridge a lot but can't afford it new. Instead of waiting for years to save and buy a new one, I would say just buy a used one from a well rated seller.

2. You are in that evaluation mode where you buy and sell cartridge in quick succession. No point buying a new cart, breaking it in to evaluate and then sell it for 40% loss.

Otherwise there is a certain peace of mind one gets when you buy a brand new cartridge from a authorized dealer and enjoy the complete process of setup, burn in and there on.
Forgot to mention the Thread`s Title over on AA.."Should I be Concerned About This Cartidge???"
Might help someone contemplating a used purchase.
Perfect timing ! I`m going through this right now. Bought used..not working out so well :( I posted a thread complete with pictures over on AA in the VINYL section if interested.