Kuzma Four Point compared to SME V-12 tonearm

Interested to learn who has heard either the SME V-12 or Kuzma Four Point arms, and with what related equipment.
I'm familiar with M.Fremer's review of the Kuzma.
I want to upgrade my Technics SP10 MkII table from the very nice Acos Lustre ST-801, and have a new Micro Benz LP-S cartridge. The two arms I am considering are the SME V-12 and Kuzma's Four Point.
My audio buddy has the V-12 and I am quite familiar with it, but his system is solid state where mine is hybrid, his cartridge is beyond my means, and his speakers, though wonderful, are monitors where mine are full range with subs.
I look forward to learning what *experience* others have had.
Thanks very much in advance for your assistance.

Best, David
Still interested in learning people's direct experience with the 4PT arm, particularly in relation to the SME V-12. Helpful though some of your responses have been, I think we got a little off topic.
01-30-13: Pojuojuo
4points and Simplicity are these days two of the best choices available at
any price

I am waiting for the 4P Ltd (Wood tube, retail $45000) :-) mounted on
the Good Night Turntable Mk 33⅓ in combination with the long
awaited Meteor Cantilever Koetsu.
Syntax, you have a great deal of experience with a broad range of arms. Have you heard the Kuzma 4PT? If so, with what associated equipment?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.

Dear Cdk84: I respect all the persons opinions here but IMHO the first issues to compare two tonearms ( any. ) is that must be with the same cartridge in the same TT and with the same IC and seems to me that only Chris74 did it inside that " environment ".

Both tonearms are good performers but with its own trade-offs from a " perfect " tonearm design. IMHO when we are talking of this level of quality performance people normaly decide taking in count which item is/performs nearer to their music sound targets/priorities ( almost each audiophile has unique audio priorities. ) and in the other side which item is more " user friendly " or gives me more " facilities " and even its second hand price to re-sale when the moment comes.

Your vintage Acos is a good performer too unfortunately is not the Lustre GST-801 that after internal rewiring is a hard challenge for any of the tonearms named here with the advantage that is aremovable universal type headshell to match in better way with a cartridge.

IMHO you have to contact directly with Chris74 and talk with him in a wider way on the subject, he is a very good " reference " and as a dedicated audiophile ( you can try to find out other persons to take some advice from first hand experiences. ) IMHO better than any audio magazine reviewer or audio distributor/sellers.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Syntax, you have a great deal of experience with a broad range of arms. Have you heard the Kuzma 4PT? If so, with what associated equipment?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.


Yes, one of my friends owns that Arm mounted on a Raven AC, we compared on that table with Kuzma Airline, Graham Phantom and a Triplanar VII. Same cartridges (at that time we used 2 Zyx UNIverse), same Phonostage, Frontend ....
We also compared the Raven AC to Kuzma reference Table, both tables used the Airline Arm...
I posted some time ago some pics about that ...