Kuzma Four Point compared to SME V-12 tonearm

Interested to learn who has heard either the SME V-12 or Kuzma Four Point arms, and with what related equipment.
I'm familiar with M.Fremer's review of the Kuzma.
I want to upgrade my Technics SP10 MkII table from the very nice Acos Lustre ST-801, and have a new Micro Benz LP-S cartridge. The two arms I am considering are the SME V-12 and Kuzma's Four Point.
My audio buddy has the V-12 and I am quite familiar with it, but his system is solid state where mine is hybrid, his cartridge is beyond my means, and his speakers, though wonderful, are monitors where mine are full range with subs.
I look forward to learning what *experience* others have had.
Thanks very much in advance for your assistance.

Best, David
Ps68, We just upload my review of the new Thales pick up and turntable on Hifilive. Check it!!!
02-13-13: Pojuojuo
Ps68, We just upload my review of the new Thales pick up and turntable on Hifilive. Check it!!!

Hi Pojuojuo,

Would you post the link to your Thales review, please?

Thank you,

Sorry I am late but I just saw it


My next review is about 4points so I could write here a little bit something
interesting. Maybe next one will be some SME-12" arm...
I have 4point, benz lps, and heart sme many times in my friends setup which i am very familiar. First of all i think you cant go wrong with benz, it matches any tonearm(imid to high mass of course). It plays good in any setup, thats why i decided to buy.

The tonearms is a different issue. Imho 4point is more allrounder, but it is more polite then sme. If you value prat sme would be a good choice, but if you care refinemen and borader dynamic range t kuzma is a good choice. These are my opinions, based on my experience and my system and my friend system. Analog experience can be very different, i respect any different experience and like to hear it.
I had the SME v standard size on a SME 20/2 TT. I now have a Kuzma XL4 TT, initially with a ref Stogi 313arm (12") . I compared the kuzma set up with the SME using a Benz LP ebony in both. The Kuzma was superior.
I know this is the shorter sme arm but I found even tracking on a test record was better with the Kuzma. I dont know about the 12" but the standard smeV has no azimuth adjustment. I have found this can make some difference.
I now have added a second arm, 4pt, to the TT. This improves on the ref 313, dynamics, bass, image, are all a step up from the already excellent ref313.
IMO and others, the Benz LPs is not much different from the original LP and although I liked the Benz, owning 2, I found it a bit over romantic. I have replaced the LP with an airtight PC3 in one arm and Shelter Harmony in the 4pt. Both these carts out shine the Benz in all areas.