Lyra Delos

I currently have a VPI Classic with a Benz Glider S and all Manley electronics- Chinook Phono, Jumbo Shrimp Pre and Snapper Monos. I am really enjoying this system, but sometimems find myslef looking for a little more detail and treble extension and a little tighter on the bottom end. From what I have been reading, the Lyra Delos might give me what I am looking for; has anyone ever compared these two cartridges? Are there any other cartridges I should also consider in the Delos price range?
A question on the piece of "Japanese paper(?)" under the Lyra cartridge. What is it for?

When my Lyra Delos was new, the paper had about 1mm clearance from the record surface. But now the paper is riding very close, almost touching the record surface and it is fraying a bit.

Is this of any concern? Thanks
The paper's purpose is to keep dirt and grunge out of the coils. Check your VTF, if it is too high, lower the VTF. If you are still in the allotted range, then it sounds like your suspension may be breaking down. It could be time for a re-build. How old is the cartridge, how many hours?
Hi Jmc,
My Delos has been sitting in its box for about a year before I mounted it about 4 months ago. It is relatively new. Less than 300 hours of play, I suppose.
Are you tracking between 1.7-1.8 grams? Is the VTA set properly? Lyra recommends 20 degree.
I don't think that the paper touching the record will do any damage, but to me, it is a concern that either the cartridge is not set up properly or is not functioning properly. Have you tried to contact Lyra?