Cartridges for Mayware Mk IV Tonearms

I am finally going to set up and use the Luxman PD-444 table I purchased about 2.5 years ago. The table is in mint/museum condition and the Mayware Mk IV tonearms are equally pristine. I want to set up one tonearm with a mono cartridge and the other with a stereo cartridge. I would appreciate cartridge recommendations as well as phono stage recommendations. For phono stages, although I tend to prefer tubes, I have learned to keep an open mind in this hobby, and so would consider other phono stage types/designs recommended.

I use this system for listening to many genres of music, but mostly classical, jazz, blues, solo instrumentals, and vocals.

Many thanks in advance for all recommendations and comments!
Dear 4musica44107: My advise is to go with MM/MI cartridges, your tonearm match and will be better matched with that kind of cartridges. There are several options, vintage ones and current models.

In the other side, IMHO and with all respect the worst place to use tube technology is at the phono stage audio link. If you can avoid it but is up to you.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Rauliruegas - Thank you for your comments and suggestions. What specific cartridge makes/models do you suggest I consider? (BTW, vintage is intriguing, but I would appreciate all cartridge suggestions you are willing to offer.) And is there a particular non-tubed phono stage you believe would be a good choice?

Am following your other advice even as I type this - luxuriating in Beethoven string quartets on vinyl!

Best regards,
I had success with an ADC XLM cartridge. I agree with Raul that a high compliance cartridge is the best match