Is the Townshend Rock 7 "the" giant killer?

The reviews I have seen of the Townshend Rock 7 (and many of the comments from owners) not only say that it's a great TT, but suggest it's a giant killer. Stated differently: it's hard to find anything in the $5K to $20K range that beats the Rock 7. Some reviewers say vinyl through the Rock 7 sounds more like master tapes than vinyl. I find this pretty hard to believe. Has anyone had direct experiences with the Rock 7, especially as it compares to other more expensive turntables? Thank you.

I just saw your post re: Moerch vs. Audiomods.

I didn't get a chance to do a lot of A/Bing the Moerch arms and the Audiomods. I do think, outside of the bass, that the big jump in sound quality was from the stock Rega 301 to the Audiomods. Audiomods gave improvement in the treble in particular. And besides that there was an increase in detail over the stock Rega. The 301 was outclassed by the Rock and was a limiting factor. But I would not say that was the case on the Audiomods.

The Moerch arms do improve on the Audiomods in ways you would expect from much more expensive arms. Again, detail is improved, and the Moerch arms, especially the DP-8, really bring out bass detail and impact on an LP. In a way I think most would find surprising for analog playback. From Audiomods to Moerch, you are entering another class of tonearms. But with the Audiomods you are entering the realm of tonearms well-suited to the table (not holding the table back).

Nice to read your impressions. Thanks for taking the time to pass those along.

Yes, I'd also guess that if someone doesn't like the Rock, it would sell pretty quickly and easily. I bought the only Rock 7 I had ever seen for sale used (from a dealer who got it as a trade-in). I have only seen one for sale used since. Impressive considering all the upgradeitis seen here.
Apologizes to the OP, Ggavetti –– I responded to you, but wrote Roscoeiii by mistake –– that'll teach me to post at 3:00AM... I was too distracted by music to think straight! Anyway, I hope you get a chance to experience what Roscoeiii, myself and other Rock owners are raving about.

well, thanks to you alon, roscoe and the others for the insightful comments. in the end i did not go for the rock 7 because while this thread was going i fell in love with the sound of the nottingham hyperspace with anna arm. used, it cost me $3K, which was a good deal and decidedly below what i would have paid for the rock 7 and a reasonable arm. still i very much have the rock 7 in my mind for either my other system or a future move.