Why so many linn lp12s for sale

Has anyone noticed that suddenly Agon has numerous linn lp 12s for sale?
Today I counted 8! Is there something going on.....are they going out of style . Or is this just random sales fluctuation?
the LP-12 is a very good turntable, but it has to be set up correctly....and it goes out of setup easily. There is a manual by Linn that goes into the finest points of setup (I used to have one, but its gone now)....
This constant myth that the LP12 goes out of set-up easily just ain't so folks.
I had my LP12 with Valhalla for nearly 20 years with no issues with regards to set-up. The TT does indeed need to be set-up correctly in the first place, BUT once that is done, it will not wonder off set-up anymore than any other TT.
Now that I have the LP12 updated and correctly set-up again, I am certain that the new set-up will last an equally long time.
BTW, Schubert, too bad that you didn't take advantage of the gift that someone gave you...with a good set-up that table would have eaten your AR-XA alive.
I'm sure you are right DaveyF.
In my early audiopile days I was just too busy listening to music to get things right.
I had my 25 yr anniversary LP12 updated 2 years ago with the Radikal ps, Ekos SE arm, Keel subchassis, and at that time TOTL Akiva MC cartridge. It was costly but I can afford it and I'm very glad I did it. My LP12 sounds absolutely great and better than 3 TOTL VPI rigs that I've heard recently. I have a big listening room with a very high ceiling over 22 ft high. The soundstaging and dynamics are just incredible. I didn't go for Eureka phono stage though, instead I bought the Zesto Andros vacuum tube phono stage because I feel the tubes sound more natural than the SS Linn phono stage. I have one of the best Linn dealers in the country in Overture Audio in Ann Arbor, MI and a great set up technical expert in Thomas O'keefe. I have no affiliation to this dealer.
In 1989 (when I got mine) the LP12 was a no brainer.

In 2014 the upgrades to keep its performance modern are hard to justify (IMO) and yes, dealer support has become spotty.

Still, a fine table if you can put up with it.