Why so many linn lp12s for sale

Has anyone noticed that suddenly Agon has numerous linn lp 12s for sale?
Today I counted 8! Is there something going on.....are they going out of style . Or is this just random sales fluctuation?
Assume you live in NZ? The going out of tune issue is real in countries like Canada where we can have up to 60 decree C swing in temperature from winter to summer and the corresponding HVAC/humidy issues that causes in an average Canadian home. My suspended Thorens was more stable. No issues now that all of my tables are of the unsuspended type.
Which is your favourite amongst your unsuspended tables?

I used to own a REGA PLANAR 3 with an RB300: a good table, but my LINN hot rod eats it IMHO...
The Pro-jects are my favorite all rounders but the Clearaudio excels for classical and instrumental. I always like the sound of my Linn. No question about that.

Rega 3 is a nice table but even my stock Rega 5 was not in the same league as my LP12 sound wise. I think the TT PSU moved it closer plus Linn's cartridges sound better than Rega's. The LP12 has just such a huge soundstage. I have not heard that from a lot of other tables. Regas can get close though.
I am not an LP12 fan, but, I heard one with all the Funk Firm mods and it was absolutely scintillating. It was cleaner, more neutral, and the bass foundation was significantly improved
I can see that it has been more than three years since my last few posts on the topic of LINN LP12 upgrades.

Since that time, I have stumbled across a newer LINN LP12 enhancement called TIGER PAW TRANQUILITY.

In essence, it is said to relieve the bearing of 90% of the platter weight - so a lighter load means a quieter bearing.

Online endorsements seem to be overwhelmingly in favour.

(It's pricey, but seems like a great idea!!!)

Just wondering if anyone here has tried it?   Any feedback?