Where to find uni din protractor

Hi all, anyone has any idea where to purchse Uni Din
protractors for not too much coin?
Hi all, We may think that this is our forum .But I noticed that the so called 'moderators' not only can decide which contribution to allow and which to refuse but also which
alredy published contribution can be removed afterward.
Censorchip and arbitrariness go ususally hand in hand but the question is why should we accept this? In-shore contribution about'Who cares' is removed as well my post
'I rest my case'. My post about the difference between the 'human character' an 'human capabilities' is refused because, according to the moderators,this post is more
suitable for a private discussion(sic!) The moderators obviously pretend to know better than the members which contributions are right and which wrong. Among those who are censored for longer as two years the most are academic so the pretention to 'know better' is at least questionable. Since the new owners of Audigon started the situation is continuously worsened such that from the best forum in the world we become an mediocre club. My suggestion is to start an collective action and formulate our own rules to which Agon need to confirm. We are the forum not the owners of the site. They earn their living thanks to us not the other way round. I think that collective thraet to terminate the membership will do the job.

Well, simply no "smear campaign;" Dietrich, Accoustical Systems, Brakemeier, Dertonearm, and the infamous Kasugi over at Ebay are all the same characters with the same M.O., take your money, prevaricate regarding delivery, send non-working items, take prepayments and never deliver and refuse to make refunds, not honor warranties, and have "marketing" friends promoting the same "song and dance" to new problems in-the-making.

In one of my cases, while Dietrich Brakemeier/Accoustical Systems made many unfounded assertions trying to keep
my monies, AMEX refunded ~$8500.00 to me. Thank goodness I used AMEX with that transaction.

In the other cases, Dietrich Brakemeier/Accoustical Systems still owes me

refunds for items not delivered, not completed, and not working totaling $6240.00.

Mike tells me he is still owed $10s of thousands of refunds from Dietrich Brakemeier/Accoustical Systems...same operator, same pattern for the last couple of decades.

So, we have a fellow and Company, Dietrich Brakemeier/Acoustical Systems that has an ongoing history of being dishonest, why would an honest dealer want to represent that pair?
I don't know who 'Mike' is, to whom you refer. Either provide full details or withdraw your accusation and apologize. There's no gray area here given what you have already said.

> Well, simply no "smear campaign;"

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
Unoear, You are as those Moslems who keep repeating the same
slogan 'Alah akbar'. You repeat the same story whenever
Dertonarm's name is mentioned irrespective of the context
or the issue involved. I advised each time to try the debt
collection agency as the adequate means for your problem
assuming of course that you have a legal claim. We are the
wrong place for your claim. It is as if you want to buy
bread in a hardware shop.
Nandric you seem determined to justify the unjustifiable,are you Dietrics lawyer.