Where to find uni din protractor

Hi all, anyone has any idea where to purchse Uni Din
protractors for not too much coin?
I had purchased a Da Vinci Grandezza Grand Reference tonearm, and then a first issue Uni-Protractor directly from Dertonarm, through here.
He had delivered %100 percent to me. A Perfect transaction.
"I am sure that if you wish to experiment without spending a lot, it would be possible to use the free Chpratz protractor from VE."

Are you familiar with Chpratz? It's a straight line from the spindle with a calibrated grid the whole way. Uni-Din nulls are 63.3 and 112.5mm. Here are alignment error curves:

Maybe the alignment could come in handy if there's not enough headshell slot length to use one of the Lofgren alignments? Alignment error seems particularly noticeable (to me) at the beginning, and uni-din is the worst there of all standard alignments.

Did you ever try nulls at say 70 and 124 for lower outer distortion?
Thanks for the Uni-Din nulls - I'd presumed they were around that, similar to FR66.

Do keep in mind that small errors in offset and overhang can lead to big errors in distortion at different points on the record, or not, depending on whether they add or cancel.
No, never tried an alignment that optimized the outer part of the record. I have a few albums with extra long sides and the groove goes nearly to the label. I don't think they'd fare well with such an alignment.

Uni-Din might come in handy in a situation where you run out of room with the headshell slots, to make a particular alignment. Like with an arm designed for Stevenson and you would prefer Lofgren B which requires 2-3mm more overhang, depending on effective length. 63.3 is a lot closer than either Lofgren alignment. Perhaps popular with Rega owners and many popular Japanese decks of yesteryear?
to be clear; I have never had any personal dealings with 'dertonearm' Deitrich Brakemeier. so the 'mike' Unoear is referring to is not me.

if you have lots of time on your hands and want to read up on the conflict Unoear refers to; here you go..

further; Unoear sold the Rockport I sold him to a gentleman in the U.K. who happens to own 3 other similar Rockports. I did not buy the Rockport back from Unoear.

dertonearm and Syntax convinced Unoear (as described to me by Unoear at the time) there was a problem with the Rockport tonearm ( never clear exactly what it was), and then dertonearm sold him a bill of goods which is their conflict. I was the easy target to attack. the U.K. buyer of the Rockport (who is a friend) reports that all was and is well with that same Rockport tonearm.

I've moved on and hopefully so has Unoear. i certainly wish him the best and understand why he was upset at the time.