Matching Koetsu Stone Body Platinum Cartridge

I'm considering upgrading from my Lyra Delos to a Koetsu Jade or Onyx Platinum. I really like a silky smooth sound, but listen to a lot of rock and want solid bass.

From what I've been able to read, it sounds like the Koetsu stone body carts would be a great fit. I may even spring for the diamond upgrade given the (mostly) great things I've read.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to audition this cart, so I'm relying primarily on reputation and what I've read. Not ideal, but I'm ok with the risk. I just wanna make sure these carts are a good match for the rest of my rig.

Here's what I'm running:

Brinkmann Oasis with Graham Phantom Supreme II
Shindo Vosne Romanee pre-amp
Shindo Lafon gm70 monoblocks
Shindo 604 Altec speakers

Obviously I'm most concerned with matching the table, arm, cart and SUT. Any insight on whether this would be a bad, good, great or stupendous match?

A few more questions...

Is the diamond upgrade is worth the extra cost?

What are the sonic differences, if any, between the jade and onyx differences?

Finally, what is a realistic turnaround time these days from order to delivery for someone in the US?
I would ask either syntax or mike lavigne - both have used most of the best cartridges out there and give very fair advice.
I have personally used the Azule and Tiger Eye, along with the Rosewood Signature Platinum. My favorite is the Azule. Having also listened to several of the rosewood signature platinum cartriges, I find each one to sound slightly different. So I wonder if the difference I hear between the Azule and Tiger Eye is just a difference in variation of the cartridge, rather than the stone itself. I find that they all sound their best with a step up ratio of 1:20.
@Bobsdevices - I'm running the A23 103 SUT. I haven't been able to track down any technical info on this. I'm sure my dealer will respond, but curious if you know if this SUT would give me the 1:20 ratio?
The Denon 103 version of the A23, I Believe, uses HAUFE T-7883 transformers which have a 1:10 step up ratio.
I have a platinum rosewood with the DC. I had to buy it on spec too - and I heard a terrible bad review from a knowledgeable Koetsu expert. Even so, I went for it, because I reasoned that getting rid of one more interface (sylus / cantilever) just had to be a good thing.

Just how good is it? Rave review. Last week my wife came home from choir practice and joined me for music. She said that she could hardly tell the difference between live and recorded (and 5 minutes apart). Can you imagine a better review from someone with good ears and musical training?