Help a vinyl newbie improve his rig

Hi everyone,

Over the last few months I've been experimenting with vinyl and tubes for the first time, and, well you know the story…I've left my CDs and solid state amps behind and am loving the beauty of analog sound on tube gear. I've got an integrated and speakers that I'm very happy with (Cayin SP10a and Wavetouch Grand Teton Gen2), so I'm looking to take a step or two up the ladder with the turntable and phono amp. Currenly I have a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon and a Vincent PHO-8 phono stage.

So, my guess is that the turntable is the weakest point and that to make a jump in sound I should be looking at 'tables like the Rega RP6, VPI Scout Jr. Clearaudio Concept, etc. From the few reviews I've read, the Vincent seems to be a solid phono stage (even though I'd like a tube phono stage in the future).

I'm not asking for specific recommendations on 'tables, but rather trying to get a feel for the most important first step in upgrading the vinyl sound quality.

I appreciate any thoughts you may have.

Maybe do some tweaks like Schubert says, but I wouldn't rush into anything new just yet because you just got the setup, and are happy with it. The more time that you spend on getting familiar with your current TT setup, the better position you'll be in when you go to upgrade. Right now, you're not listing any improvements, or goals that you would like to achieve with an upgrade. Knowing where you want to go is very important because without direction, there's a good chance you'll make a mistake. The only advice I can give you on upgrading your current setup is that when you upgrade your cartridge or phono preamp, you need to consider them both. If you do a little research on the differences between low and high output MC carts and MM carts, as well as various phono pre/step up devices that are available, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. Its best not to do anything until you understand the relationship as to how these parts work together.

If you have the money, and are really set on doing something now, there's plenty of other vinyl related products, that you can buy now and keep through upgrades, so you won't be wasting your money. Along with the matt, you may want to look into getting some record cleaning products, and maybe a speed control. Speed control's make a big difference, especially when you have a budget TT.

A good resource for you is The Cable Company ( This place carries just about anything you'll ever want regarding this type of equipment. What makes them so useful is their demo program. Whatever they sell, they have demo units available to send you to try in your system first, before you buy anything. I've been using them for stuff like this since the mid 90's, and I wouldn't do it any other way. They're one of the most reputable B&M type dealers I've ever used.
Thanks for the quick responses -

Schubert - I have a Herbies Mat, and I like it quite a bit. However, I'm really looking to upgrade the turntable.

Rushton - what tables would you consider to be a tier above the ones I mentioned? A few examples would be greatly appreciated.

Viridian - I'm aware of the need to match cartridge, tonearm, and table. That's one of the reasons I'm a bit leery of buying used. I don't have the knowledge to put everything together (or to do too much swapping out of cartridges, arms, etc.). I'd like to buy something that's been voiced to work together well.

Thanks again, I'll keep reading reviews and soliciting advice while enjoying the remarkable sounds I'm already getting from my budget table.

I have a VPI traveler that I purchased about six weeks ago. I considered the Scout Jr., and even the Scout 1.1. In the end, it was a video on YouTube that swayed me. It's is the son of VPI's owner discussing the traveler Vs the Scout Jr.

He said that if you want to upgrade many parts of the table down the road, the Scout Jr will far exceed the traveler. However if you want to buy a table and simply play music, the traveler will sound better than an unmodified Scout Jr. I have no interest in tinkering with a table, so it was an easy decision for me.

I looked long and hard at the Rega RP3 and the RP6. Im told they are super simple to set up. In the end, I wanted something a little more exotic.
OK , Scott do this.
Buy a Music Hall 7.1 with its Mojo phono cartridge , which is really an Ortofon 300 , one of Ortofons greatest efforts, will smoke anything under 5 k.
"...what tables would you consider to be a tier above the ones I mentioned? A few examples would be greatly appreciated."
Here are some suggestions, all with included tonearm...

VPI Classic

Basis 2000 series (non-Signature)

Well Tempered Labs Simplex or Amadeus
Read the product description and you'll think "this is crazy" but listen to it and you'll become a believer.