High End cartridges and the built quality

I had some cartridges in the past with some quality failure. Only one, an EMT was perfectly built.

Here some pictures of Lyra Skala and Kleos cantilivers/diamonds:






I think in this price range not acceptable.

I know a Dynavector Xv-1s with the same problems.
Those are some great pictures.
We all strive and look for perfection in not only what we do but also in what we buy. But nothing is perfect. I'm not saying the pictures of the styli orientations are acceptable. But I do wonder just what is 'acceptable'?
What are the tolerances allowed. Is it + or - 1 degree? Perhaps it is 5 degrees? I don't know. I'm someone with knowledge in this regard can clarify this a bit.
Sorry for the typo

My last statement should have read I'm hoping someone with knowledge in this regards can clarify this a bit
All producers get those cantilever/styli combo's from their
suppliers. This means that quolity controll is questionable
on both sides.
Good work bringing this isue up, 99. Lets hope that the manufactures are seeing this too and make a better quality control.
Clearaudio offers inspection and measurement of most cartridges. I do hovever not know the price for this service.
Next time i buy a highend cartridge i will make some pictures and control the quality more precisely.

Melm was saying that Peter Ledermann's styli work are a great deal more precise than what you showed of Lyra styli, not that his pictures are better than your photography.

Thank you for the "heads up."