Moving on from Benz LP

Hi Guys,

I currently have a Benz LP. I'm happy enough with its performance but it has a lot of hours on the clock. Given its age, I was thinking about either re-tipping or changing it.

Any thoughts on how it would compare to the current crop of new carts at a similar or lesser price point?
I had a couple of Benz LP carts. I changed to an airtight PC 3 also a shelter harmony. Both considerable improvements on LP.
I too decided to move on from a Benz LPS (a very fine cartridge). I was mulling over the top Lyras, Koetsu, et al. I was speaking to Harry Weisfield about that and he suggested an Ortofon Windfield. The price was well below those top notchers, but the performance is right up with them. It tracks at least as well the Benz...its tonality is a tiny bit cooler, but I though the Benz a bit warm. The dynamics are even a bit better, the depth, air...all the good stuff is there. I tried many, many loadings but 1000 ohms really does the trick in my system. It takes a LONG time to break in, and to get the best from it, be careful with the'll love it...guranteed
I have had a lot of good MC cartridges in my system and my all time favourite is the Benz LP. Others include a Koetsu Rosewood signature and Onyx, Ortofon SPU synergy and Zyx Airy 3. With my heart, I would say my favourite was the Koetsu Rosewood, but the LP was faster and more neutral. The most disappointing was the Zyx, a surprise to me, with it's avid following. It sounded flat and lifeless to me.

This is going to be controversial, but if you don't want to just re tip the LP, which is what I would do, consider second hand. Yes I know how fragile cartridges are and the resulting risks, but that is reflected in often very low prices. I bought the Rosewood about 10 years ago for $1000, with 50 hours on the clock. I used it for 4 years, had it retipped and sold it for the same price I bought it for. My best ever purchase, I think.