I just returned my second defective Manley Chinook

My first Chinook(bought in 2012) was replaced because of numerous pops and hum.Returned replacement Chinook today because of occasional pop and hum from right channel. Manley is going to change out the main circuit board with the latest.This has been very disappointing and I will attempt to return or sell the Chinook after it is returned to me.How should I handle this with the on-line company that sold me the Chinook?This is not a knock against Manley or their product.
When I purchased the Manley I told the phone rep that I would be willing to spend more for a Herron phono but was told Herron worked best when used with other Herron gear.
From everything I have read on Audiogon this does not seem to be the case.
This was my first experience with tubes and it was disappointing so I was thinking about going back to a solid state phono possibly Pass Labs XP15.But I enjoyed the tube sound so still thinking about the Herron.
I am 64 years old and I want this to be the last phono amp I buy so I want to make sure I make the proper choice.Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
My system is VPI Classic One with Lyra Delos.Amp and pre-amp is Jeff Rowland.
Get a Quicksilver Phono Pre. It's tubed, will sound great, won't break the bank, and Mike delivers great service if you ever need itÂ…Easy!
If he gets the QS, he probably won't be able to use it without an SUT. Also, since his Rowland gear is fully balanced, I would probably get a phono pre that's balanced as well. Wouldn't rule out something SS either. For a low output cart, you need something really high quality and clean. Its hard to do low output with tubes unless you spend a lot of money.
Check out the E.A.R. 834P. A friend of mine had that one and it
was very nice. Plenty of positive reviews. BTW,I been using the
QS for the past ten years without a glitch,but you would need a
SUT for your cartridge,QS makes a nice MC transformer.
If you want to stick with tubes Kevin Carter has a new phono pre called the Trio that with MC inputs and built, not a kit, would set you back about the same as the Manley Chinook.

I can't believe a manufacturer would release a unit that couldn't even be transported without arriving with problems. Twice.

Sell the Manley.

Get a Herron. It works very well with most equipment.

Get a Herron and get off the upgrade merry-go-round.

Get a Herron and receive a working unit that will work without problems.

Get a Herron and get Keith Herron's personal attention and support.

Yes, everybody keeps hearing the same thing from me about Herron Audion. But I haven't read anybody that disputes anything I've written.