Suggestions for Cables all with Krell

I'm looking for suggestions for the best cable combination with Krell gear. I have a Krell 500i, 300cd which I use for two channel. If anyone has good suggestions for power, speaker, and interconnect cables, I'd love to hear it... but I'd also like to know what you like about the cables and what expect when listening to them on Krell gear.

I currently use Cardas Neutral Reference speaker cables and have an Audioquest Viper ballanced interconnect between the 500i and the 300cd. I'm not too thrilled with the Audioquest but it does sound better than "free/give away" RCA cables. Suggestions please..
I have Krell HTS and KAV-250a amp. I'm using Nordost Blue Haven balanced interconnects. They are very detailed and much better than the MIT 330 Pro cables I had before.
Try Synergistic Research. I personally use it all over my system. They may just have the right cables for you. I persoanlly work for an audio/video store and recently I sold a pair of Synergistic Research speaker wire for a customer who owns a pair of NHT VT 2, Krell 300i and Sony 7ES CD Player. If need more help feel free to give me a call at work. (888) 818-9889. Wish you the best of luck

Dump the Krell. Keep the free ic's and start from scratch. You'll be much happier.