Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???

While i have my opinions on this subject, i'd love to hear from others that have tried various methods of "burning in" cables, what was used to do it, what differences were noticed ( if any ), etc... Please be as specific as possible. If your a "naysayer" in this area, please feel free to join in BUT have an open mind and keep this thread on topic. Sean
Redkiwi, fond greetings: There will be RHUBARB as long as humans debate. As for double blind tests, they DO have their merits. Many of us would not be around any more, if they did not exist. As you know, the pharmaceutical industry must rely heavily on them in the development and testing of new drugs. They seem to work on a biochemical, physiological level. Strangely, they often do not in the psychological field. What we see here in this debate, is just one example for this strange fact, which has bugged experimental psychology just as much as it bugs some of us here.
Absolutely Albert - if I boogie better by painting my cables red or my CDs green then I ought to be able to say so here. Good point Detlof, but what appears to happen with these debates is the repetitive tyranny by a few who insist on double blind tests, and then insist again, and then insist again, and then insist again............. whenever a certain set of topics arise. And then they have the gall to argue that their position is valid because electrons are electrons - like that closes the debate? I have said too much again and will return to my pledge to leave these pointless exchanges alone.
Redkiwi, the "insist and insist again" in your post is dead on. Their preference in this forum appears to be centered on convincing us that our equipment and our music systems should be held accountable to their standards of testing.

I will hold to that view, just as soon as they offer information that aids in improving my music, or they choose to contribute to the cost of doing things their way. My testing procedures have resulted in equipment matching that consistently produces music that I love. Perhaps these guys have let the blindfold slip over their ears as well as their eyes, this would explain why they think all wire sounds the same.

By the way, I hope you know that the "Shut up and Dance" was aimed at the ABX guys who would rather fight than switch. The switch in this case being the "on" button of their music system.

You're too polite, mate. "Rhubarb" would not be my first choice, but since most of the posters here seem refined and educated, I'll refrain from proferring the word I had in mind.

Glad to see you're still hanging around, as it were. I'm opting out now because there are some technical questions the measurement set has refused to answer but which, IMHO, bear upon the whole topic. Willful blindness perhaps? Will still keep reading and watch the saga unfold.