Sakura Systems OTA Cable Kit

Has anyone tried this "minimalist" cable kit? After receiving a recommendation from someone with similar musical values to myself, and whose ears I trust, I could not resist ordering one. I will report on how they sound in a few weeks, but am interested in others' opinions too.

For those that have not heard about them look at for an interesting read. The cable sounds as if it is very close to the specification of the conductors in Belden Cat5. So I may have spent around 100 times what the kit is worth. We shall see.

If you have not heard this cable, please don't bother posting your opinions of how it MUST sound here. Nor am I that interested in hearing how stupid I must be to order this kit - it's my money and you are free to make different decisions with yours. Sorry for this condition, but I am bored with those that have nothing positive to offer on this site, and post their opinions based on deductive logic rather than actual experience.
I am ready to take the plunge! By reading all of the above is the price for the IC's $300? What is the length of cable that you receive? Can it be ordered with balanced or unbalanded connectors? Do I order direct from 47 labs US

Thanks, Bob

Did you notice the dark grey isolation shelves that 47Lab used at Frankfurt? Guess who?*wink*

The loudspeaker was designed and built by Sead Lejlic of Konus Audio, the european 47Lab distributor and they use a transmission line enclosure.

Come on guys. Were they crimped, soldered or other to the drivers crossovers/drivers?
Hi Dave,
99% likelyhood that they were crimped if at all practical from what I know of the gentleman behind the loudspeaker.

Thanks Ken: I will take a look at the crossover connections and see what I can do without modding anything for a trial run. I might be able to split (on one side) a piece of the empty OTA insulation and make a preasure clamp of sorts out of it. I'm sure that it should be fairly simple to get something temporary going.