Plasma speakers anyone with info?

I can find many sites for diy but cannot find any for sale . Help! Nick
What info are you after? From your very brief post it sounds as if you want info on where you can buy a working unit.

Only TWO companies make and sell plasma tweeters - Acapella and Lansche. Both are German. Acapella used to sell the plasma tweeters individually but I think they now only sell them as part of their speakers. Lansche is the same, but they closed the door on tweeter sales many years ago. Unless I am very much mistaken, you will not be able to buy these from the factory.

I think that Brian Ackerman from AAudio Imports is a member of Audiogon, so he may be able to advise you on whether you could buy one.

Your other route is to DIY a pair. I have seen circuit diagrams on the web. My own skills are very modest - I can't even put together a doorbell kit from Radio Shack let alone tackle a project like this!!

Going on specs alone the Lansche is more desirable. The plasma flame is twice the size of the Acapella, consequently it can go lower - 5kHz for the Acapella, 2.5kHz for the Lansche. Neither unit tolerates low frequencies beyond the stated crossover point very well, so steep filters are necessary. The Acapella has a crossover built in - the point and slope are configurable by changing internal components. Not sure about the Lansche.

If you want to know what they sound like - I have a pair of Acapella Violons.
Amfibius' information coincides perfectly with mine. I would have a source for the a-Capella tweeters in Europe. No commercial interest on my side. If you are interested drop me a mail and I'll give you a contact address.
I heard the Plasma I at a hotel suite at CES in 1979. They sounded incredible - but the technology is what mesmerized me.

Best part of this was listening in on a conversation between Dr Hill and Dr. Oskar Heil - the inventor of the FET and the Heil Air Motion Transformer. Dr Heil showed up just after me, and the 3 of us listened for a while - Heil's first time listening to them or meeting Dr. Hill. The next hour was a long passionate conversation on the physics of sound from 2 of the pioneers. A pretty good day for a 19 y.o. kid.