PS Audio Power Port vs. Hubbell/Leviton

Has anyone compared the PS Audio Power Port outlet to the upgraded outlets available at Home Depot from Leviton, etc.? I looked yesterday, and the Depot had commercial and industrial (although not hospital grade) outlets, and although the outlets looked a little more durable, the electrical contacts didn't appear much different than standard. Obviously, the Power Port is a lot more $$$, but I'm wondering if it isn't understandable for nickel plating on the contacts.

Also I've seen some references on these threads to cryo treatment...could someone elaborate?
I just ordered a FIM from Galen. It is $55, not $60 as I said before. One of those tweak impulse buys.
I replaced my outlets with the FIM several months ago with noticable improvement. With that said, the one's that were replaced were 15 years old. Jcbtubes (Agon member) did a direct comparison with the FIM against another highly touted outlet and preffered the FIM. I wasn't there but I guess I'll take his word for it. Sometimes he guesses right.
Thanks for the opinions, and especially the detailed information from albertporter...can anyone shed some light on cryo treatment?
Boy, do i feel like a BIG dummy now. I missed the last meeting of the Chicago Audio Society, otherwise i would've been able to give you the run down on cryo. They had the owner of a cryo lab come in and explain various aspects of what takes place, what it does, etc... They also did some single blind listening tests with before / after pieces that had been cryo'd. The general consensus according to what i was told was that the differences were quite noticeable and beneficial as far as sonics go. Other than that, can't help you. Sean
Rsuminsby, most likely the meeting Sean missed in Chicago was hosted for Controlled Thermal Processing of Downers Grove IL.

I had this same company do a Benz phono cartridge three few years ago, with great results.

You might check with Sean (click his name to send an e-mail). If you ask nicely, perhaps he will verify the vendor of the test, and if from the same vendor I am describing, you have very little risk in making the move.