Shunyata versus Elrod

I have tried Shunyata Anaconda on my CD. I could not try any cables on my Audio Research VTM200 monoblocks because of the 20 amp IECs they have. I also want to test Elrod PCs. Anaconda made my system very transparent, huge soundstage. However, it somehow made the sound very lean. Now I can here all the details. But, it sounds like the body is gone. The piano sounds so lean (but it is just me... A very detailed sound I am not used to) but I hear every finger movement. Then I tried a Kimber Palladian on my CD. Palladian added body to the sound and subtracted the details. The soundstage was also compressed. Black Mamba was in between the two but the details was lacking. I need the details I get with Anaconda and a little bit of the body I get with Palladian. Question 1: (EPS combination) Would EPS 3 Sig on my CD and EPS 2 Sigs on my monoblocks help me to get the sound I want? Question 2: (Shunyata combination) Would Shunyata Taipan's on my monoblocks help the body of the sound I lossed with Anaconda on my CD? I will put down my system so that you can help me better. My System: Audio Aero Capitole 32 bit/192 kHz Audio Research VTM200s Sonus Faber Amati Kimber Select 3038 Speaker cables and 1130 Interconnects. (AA connected directly to my amps)
Capitole Mark 1 or the much better Capitole Mark 2 player which model are we talking about? Thanks
Elrod Sig 2's are for CDP & PreAmp's and Sig 3's are for power amps.
I use them on my equip and have no regrets. I have Electrocompaniet CDP (24/192 upsampling) and Sonic Frontiers line 3 & Power 2. Made a huge difference once everything broke in.
If you like, check my listings, I have some for sale too.
In my personal opinion you should try
FMS "Nexus63" for your amps and "Nexus63L"
for your cd player.
This chord destroyed Electraglide FatMan K and FatBoy 2000 Gold in my system.

Best regards, Jack.
I have tired too many power cords to discuss here. The Elrod Sig 2 was a no go on my CDP, it was equaled and outperformed by cheaper cords. The Sig 3 added to my CDP and power amp more weight/body if you want to fatten things up a little and kept the details. One of my favorite cords but I know some people who did not want to add that to their system. I do not like the Shunyata Taipan power cord. I felt and so did the dealer that it added some edge to the upper frequencies and was a little thin but I also have SS preamp and power amp. There are many lower priced cords that get you 70-80% of the way there for a lot less too.