Do power cords really matter?

I'm sure this has been discussed ad nauseum in the past, but while reading an ad for a power cord, I've had a very simplistic thought on which I would enjoy hearing other's opinions.
Case in point : The idea of dedicated lines appealed to me, but as we will be moving in the not too distant future, I just grabbed a left over roll of 14-3 Romex and strung about 60 ft. through the basement, and terminated in a box w/ a couple of audio grade duplexes. I did run the ground wire directly outside to a separate ground rod. (I realize for optimum performance I should have several runs to separate amp, digital, analog, etc.) My question is this: am I really to believe the last 6 ft. of power delivery can be that critical, when it has already traveled a much greater distance in ordinary wire. As we use outlets for convenience only, why not just terminate a 6 ft piece of Romex w/ high grade connectors? Are we just buying eye candy? Have we been duped w/ the hype?
Without having studied power conditioners, perhaps they can actually "clean" the raw power electronically?
Thank you for enduring my Sunday morning musings - all opinions cheerfully received.
Best regards,
03-24-07: Dazzdax writes:
What I want is music.
What you actually want is for the music to sound more real.

Forget detail, ambient retrieval etc. All those things could remain the same ... but add more dynamic gradation, and the music will sound more real. That's what good power cords really help with. That's what you want and that's what you need.

I hope you'll agree that in the first place the system should sound in balance and musical. Power cords can give a bit more dynamics, yes. Or a bit more bass slam, or more ambience retrieval. But should not alter the whole presentation of the music that the system and not to forget listening room already deliver. If there is a "major" change towards the sound due to application of special power cords, I would say that one is rather screwing up the inherent qualities of the system.

Aintitgr8: "Interesting question with the normal two sides of opinions with the responses. On the one side you have the "does not make a difference" who has given it the hours of listening and has determined that there is little to no difference. Since this type of person has never been exposed to interconnects and speaker cable that sounds better than lamp cord it isn't much of a surprise that the systems they listen to power cords in won't reveal the type of change that happens with power cords."

So, you're saying that everybody who says PCs don't make a difference has never had experience with high-end ICs and speaker cable? Just wondering how you came to this highly scientific conclusion. I must have missed out on the survey.

Answers like Aintitgr8's are the reason audiophiles are so often scoffed at.
If there is a "major" change towards the sound due to application of special power cords, I would say that one is rather screwing up the inherent qualities of the system
That sounds pretty fair.

However, on good midrange digital components (CD players, SACD players) there can be a "major" change with a decent power cord. That was my first experience with after-market power cords (a Cardas Golden Ref on a Arcam Alpha 9) and I was unprepared for the improvement.
