Freezer Cryoed Cables...

Hi all, you can get about the effect as Cryoed treatments by putting your cables or components in the Freezer for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator for one or two hours.........this REALLY works!!! Try this with the cables you have now.......Try this for yourself and see if you "hear a difference"............Richard
Lots of jokes and wise-cracks,

Richard was telling you what he did and what he heard, how about cutting our fellow AudiogoN'er some slack??
I agree. Wet the X-250 first, it'll freeze much faster. That's the whole secret to deep immersion cryoing. Works wonders on profylactics.
I am with Bbenn. A little Slappy here and a little Jax2 there brings some levity to the proceedings, but the wholesale slaughter seen here is too much. I don't know how long lived his results are going to be, but why doubt he is hearing these improvements unless you've tried it for yourself?

Thsalmon's assessment that Rpatrick is hearing improvement because he wants to is the most condescending comment I think I've read on these boards.