Freezer Cryoed Cables...

Hi all, you can get about the effect as Cryoed treatments by putting your cables or components in the Freezer for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator for one or two hours.........this REALLY works!!! Try this with the cables you have now.......Try this for yourself and see if you "hear a difference"............Richard
Tireguy, if you don't want to freeze your cables then why don't you freeze one of your CD's and see how you like that. I did mine two time, for 24 hours in freezer and 24 hours in refrigator and then do it again, it sounded better that way, give it a try and let us know how you like it..........Richard
If possible, please list all the components in your system. I would be curious as to the value of your investment.
Sherod, go over to in the home theater talk Forum, my post, Freezer Tweak, I have my system listed there........Richard Patrick
Ellery 911 wins!
I tried the tweak on some commercially purchased vegetables and orange juice. I taste tested them vs. fresh. I had a slight preference for the fresh stuff; not jaw-dropping, mind you, but it was a steal in this price range.
Quote of Richard from

"Scott, I have a vintage sony str-v5 receiver with Walker Audio: super silver treatment on everything inside, some Sound Dynamics rts 9 speakers with gr-research gr-t2 tweeters and Sonicaps caps with super silver treatment, Bravo D2 DVD player with super silver treatment on everything inside, Dakiom feedback stabilizers with super silver treatment, hook up to everything, Mi-Rollers under everything"

This system is hardly "hi-end". The Bravo D2 DVD player has gotten ripped, both here and in the press, for it's incredible bad sonic performance. IMO, Sound Dynamics speakers are mid-fi at best.

In addition, on, you indicated that you took apart you speakers and froze the drivers. This can not be good for the rubber surrounds.

Richard, I do believe that you are here differences after freezing your equipment. The constant temperature changes have got to be doing a lot of damage to it.

Also, on, you said that the equipment doesn't matter and that you could achieve "hi-end" performance from tweaks alone. IMO, you can spend the rest of your life tweaking your equipment, but its going to take a lot of tweaking, a whole lot of tweaking, to get this system up to "high-end" standards. It would be cheaper and easier to just go out and buy some better equipment.