Is the JPS DIGITAL cable as good on CD as reviewed

Any thoughts as to the merits of the JPS DIGITAL cable on a good CD player as compared to others.Thanks.
Wander over to the cable section of audio asylum or maybe do a search here. I think the JPS digital cable improves the sound on my system, however, the trick to it seems to be just an rc network molded into the plug. The good news is that it can be had from the original manufacturer for something like $30.00. (No, I don't have the manufacturers contact info, but it should be easy to find on AA or maybe somebody else here has it).
I had the JPS feeding my DAC at one stage and I thought it cured/rounded some of the "digital" nasties. IMO if your system is bright sounding it might just do the trick. My comparison was the PS Audio Xstream Plus PC. I finally settled for the latter which in my system sounded bolder while still sounding quite detail. I have Chris VH Audio Flavor 3 Power Cord connected to my Rotel/Transport though which again IMO was more neutral sounding than the JPS.
I don't know the specifics of the JPS design, but i do know that proper impedance characteristics can DRASTICALLY improve the sonics of a system. If JPS is using some type of impedance compensation network on their digital cabling, along with good quality conductors and dielectric, i don't doubt that it is a good sounding cable. I've been using a cable that has those features for several years now and Stereophile ran an article about this very subject about a year or so ago. The fact that any cable can be modified in this manner and improve performance makes it a no-brainer in my book. Why more manufacturers don't use such an approach, i don't know. Sean