Audience AU24, are they good?

I almost have my system complete, just need a pair of good and affordable speaker cables. My system (budget system):
Jadis JD-3 CD
AudioNote DAC2 (old version)
Sonic Frontier SFL-2 (upgraded some tubes using Siemens & amperex)
Krell KSA-250 (i know it's a very old amp, but no $ yet)
Dunlavy Aletha
Cardas Golden Ref ICs
Cardas Quadlink speaker cables (this may be the weakest link in the system).

So, my wife plan to visit to Singapore, and here is my opportunity to get a pair of good speaker cables (I live in Indonesia, hard to get use stuffs here). Thus, I won't be able to audition whatever I will decide to buy.... I got some offer of:
Audience AU24, Nordost Red Dawn Rev II, Audioquest (forgot the model), and some other. But from all, the Audiences seem quite affordable, about US$525 (single wire, spade ends). The question: how good are they compare to Red Dawn, etc or even my old quadlink? I mostly listen to some pop and light jazz music.

Thanks in advance..
No problem in jumping in. I started out just trying to help a fellow Audiogoner understand that power Cords were also a very important part of getting a system to produce its best sound. It is not my wish to hi-jack the thread, just help others with my own experience in the hopes that they can get the most enjoyment out of their systems.
My comment about speaking about what you know and don’t know comes from my assumption that you could not have possibly critically listened to every power cord ever made for 1,000 hours as it broke in. I though it to be a reasonable assumption and I took exception to my post in that you were either saying that I did not know what I was talking about or lying. If that assumption is wrong, then I apologize.
A power cord can absolutely take 1,000 hours to break in. I along with a friend, critically listened to a power cord every Sunday morning for 7 weeks starting with a brand new PC and listening to the same music on the same system that was run 24/7 with the CD player on repeat during that whole 7 week period. We listened to 6 different pieces of music that ranged greatly from Female vocalists to Classical.
My system had been stable for quite some time with no changes in components or tweaks made prior to doing the break-in testing on the Power Cord and there were no changes made whatsoever in the system during those 7 weeks.
There were quite audible changes (all for the better) every Sunday for 6 weeks (which is 1,008 hours) until the 7th week when we could no longer hear any changes / improvements.
My system is quite resolving and the changes were easy to hear. Only at the end of the 6th week, did we find that the changes were more towards subtle and in week 7 the break-in finally seemed to be over.

My friend Pat and I were as surprised each week as anyone would be to continue to hear changes for so many hours. Since those trials, I have found that break-ins quite often take longer than manufacturers suggest.
I would also like to suggest that you re-read your own post where the engineer/ owner of Stealth says:

“ In general, in two weeks after the installation, cables are ready for critical listening. Sometimes it takes longer. In general, more advanced sophisticated and complex cable designs take longer to break in than simpler cables.”

He states that in two weeks after installation, cables are ready for critical listening. He does not state that they are completely broken in. He also goes on to state the complex designs take longer to break in than simpler cables.
I am not out to pick a fight with you, but I did take exception to what I considered you taking a shot at me. I did not feel that you had the basis to make your statement of “No power cord in the world takes anywhere near 1000 hours “statement since logically you and no one has heard every power cord in the world break in for 1,000 consecutive hours.
My system is far from Mid-fi and neither is my listening ability. I have gone through several power cords and this one power cord was the only cord that took anywhere near the 1,000 hours that this one did, but it did take the full 1,000 hours.
We are probably not so far apart on our views of music and systems and I suggest that we explore our likes rather than our disagreements. I am always trying to learn more about our great hobby and feel the need to share with others so that their path to audio Nirvana is as short as possible.
Do old (used) cables deteriorate in the ability to produce good sounds? or it does not make a difference buying old used cables? Please advise.
I think that power cords in general only improve with age and also with not being moved around once they get in place and settled in your system. I find that moving power cords temporarily degrades the sonics, but it returns once the power cord settles back in again.
Power Cords, IC’s, and Speaker Cables do benefit from having the connectors cleaned periodically to improve conductivity. Most people that have tried like the benefits derived from using products such as Quicksilver and Walker Audio Silver paste applications.
Other than possible wear from handling and wires/plug connections working loose, I can not see any negatives in 20-30 year old cables.
Some users of "Cable Cooker" and like products claim that re-cooking every 6 months or so enhances the performance of Interconnects, Speaker Cables, Phono Cables and Power Cords.
I hope that helps.
“It was as a speaker cable that the Au24 really shown.” Brian Damkroger actually preferred the Au24 to his reference Valhalla in terms of tonal balance, imaging, resolution of inner detail, and sound staging."

Stereophile Recommended Components – April ‘04 - (Vol.25 No.8 WWW)